On Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Human Life
In my previous article, I took the time to dispel some myths about the sanctity of human life and how Conservatives are wont to see it. I consider that to have been important to do, but not as important as what I feel the need to address in this article. Though the prior article made…
On Conservatism and the Sanctity of Human Life
In many senses, perhaps one of the WORST places from which to garner information is Facebook. There are worse, you could choose to gather information from Twitter. High on the list as well, would be mainstream “news” outlets. The reasons for Facebook and definitely for Twitter make them much worse even than the mainstream media…
On Spam
I just wanted to take am moment to reiterate what I have previously said. In case you’re wondering why “your comment” is not showing on my site, let me clue you in: The site is moderated. That means no comment will make it past me (the moderator) without my scrutiny of all of its content. This includes the…
On Impartiality—What About It?
I remember a good many times when I was a great deal younger, various folks talking about the concept of impartiality where media (and particularly journalism) was concerned. And for a very long time, I was right there with them. I felt that, at some point, there was some sort of “breakdown” that had occurred,…
A Note to the Spammers
Just a quick note to my “spammer fans.” Because I have had spammers try to use my site for their purposes (among other things), my site is fully moderated. Put simply, no message or reply will “make it to the general public” without being reviewed by my eyes. You (the spammers) have helped me to decide on policy…
On the Foolishness of Race Among Humans – Guglflaarb
Guglflaarb. That’s right! You heard me correctly. I said Guglflaarb! “What on Earth,” you ask, “is Guglflaarb?” Wait, you mean you really don’t know? Well, in that case, permit me to enlighten you. Guglflaarb is best defined as, “The rectitude of the left side of your aura under a full moon.” Among humanity, there are…
What Political Conservatism IS NOT
It doesn’t take a genius to see that people consider different words to have different meanings. In some cases, the differences are a simple matter of misunderstanding, in some, an “intentional skewing” of a give word or expression with the intent to derive some sort of benefit as a result. There are other reasons differences…
Rectitude Versus Popularity
Of all the considerations that plague modern man, one of the most difficult—particularly for the young—appears to be the battle between popularity and rectitude (being correct). For many, the battle may continue much further than their youth. Many seem, in point of fact, to continue to fight the battle for the majority of their days.…
Reality and Truth Versus Dreams and Feelings
There has been a subject on and off of my heart and mind for some time. I won’t go into details as to why this is the case, rather, I have it in mind to cover the subject itself and let folks work out for themselves the whys and wherefores. The subject is summed up…
My Political “Final Bow”
I probably have not mentioned it here, but I have pretty much always been a slow learner. Though I’m sure there are more than a few people who will choose to disagree, I tend to “make up for” that by coming out of learning situations with a much stronger understanding than does the average person.…