Taxes the Short and Long—Religion and Politics
Tax season is another time when age and experience rears its sometimes-ugly head. Though I’m not a person who fears doing my yearly income taxes, I am a person who knows it will not be the type of event it was when I was a much younger, generally not nearly as well paid individual as…
More On Immigration Policy – Religion and Politics
I supposed it’s absolutely possible, that there are people out there who have no inkling of current events. As such, the folks in question would be entirely unaware of questions of United States border security and immigration policy and law. That being said, I believe the majority of folks in the U.S. are aware of…
Things Are Not People – Religion And Politics
You would think the title of this article would be sufficient to “snap a bunch of folks out of” a behavior I have noticed appears to be becoming more and more prevalent over the course of time. That behavior is to treat things as if they were people. I can understand when people ascribe the…
Yes, Chances Are Good They Already Know – Religion And Politics
Anybody having read any of the blog posts I have taken the time to craft is probably aware that I typically take somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand words for each article. I do this for a number of reasons. The first reason is, I know that the average person is not “up for”…
How Long Has That Been Happening? – Religion and Politics
An unfortunate reality surrounding someone being placed in a position of authority, is that he or she is best served by not making “radical changes” on short notice. I’m not saying folks never do this, nor am I saying that when they do so, the results are invariably bad. I’m simply saying that, for the…
Pets Versus People – Religion and Politics
It’s difficult for me to imagine a less useful thing, than to make fun of, or belittle those who love their pets—whatever type of pet they may be. I assure you that I have no intent so to do. It is more than a little understandable that people form bonds with critters of various kinds.…
Robin Hood – Religion and Politics
We’ve all heard the name, fictional though it is, and to so many, he is a hero—Robin Hood. In reality though Mr Hood is anything but a hero. In fact he sounds a great deal more like government than about anything else for which one might mistake him. The primary difference being that government takes…
Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” – Religion and Politics
Most who know me are well aware that Christmas as celebrated is not an important thing to me. Visiting family can be a fun and exciting time for many. Getting gifts is a desirable thing for most, particularly young, people. Where I’m not inherently against either thing, I do consider the timing of at least…
Free Isn’t Free – Religion and Politics
I have to acknowledge that the subject about which I’m going to speak in this article is one that has been addressed by thousands of people in oh-so-many ways. I further must make it clear that likely none of my expression will not have been made by at least one or more of the people…