Category: Religion, Politics and Philosophy

  • My (Fill in the Blank) is Autistic – Autism

    It’s a “mixed bag.” Pretty much anybody who’s paying attention is aware that someone (maybe more than one someones) they have met casually,  know a little more closely, or have charge over, is Autistic. The reason it’s such a mixed bag is, on the one hand, it means folks are aware that “Autism is a…

  • Who were you? Who are you? Who will you be? — Religion and Politics

    There are subjects one would assume are “done to death.” And maybe that’s a fair statement for the one I’m intending to address with this post. That having been said, I also firmly believe there are things that cannot be said too often. Further, there are differences in presentation that may cause a given point…

  • Religion, Politics, Philosophy and Relationships

    One of the rarest things I have experienced in my neither greatly short, nor particularly long life, are people who I can account “kindred spirits.” This is rather amazing when you consider that I ought to have a great deal in common with folks who are Christians on the basis that we claim Christ as…

  • My Rights – Religion and Politics

    It’s a normal work day. You wake yourself up at 5:30AM, having luxuriated in an additional half hour of sleep (you normally wake up at 5:00AM if not a tad earlier). You make your first morning cup of coffee, and drag yourself through shaving, brushing your teeth and showering. You gather together all things needed…

  • Benchmarking Disability – Religion and Politics

    The first thing I need to do with this article is to “disclaim.” I’m not suggesting a “real” or “complete” process for “benchmarking” disability. Rather, I intend to talk about the consideration of the seriousness of various disabilities as well as what considerations can and probably should be used to “benchmark” disability. One of the…

  • Symptoms – On Abstract Concepts – Autism

    Do you remember the first time you played the children’s game of “Tag” or of “Hide and Seek?” Many may not, but they remember having played the game or games in question any number of times after that first. As for me, I don’t recall playing any such game until I was well into my…

  • You are who You are, Your Acceptance Notwithstanding – Religion and Politics

    One of the favorite memes of the “Internet unapologetic” on social media in the modern day has the essential form “I am who I am, your acceptance is not required.” Each iteration is slightly different, but all are essentially statements by the posters of the idea that they are, essentially unapologetically, who they are. The…

  • Maybe They’re Not Horrible Parents – Religion and Politics

    Pretty much every time I see a parent somewhere “in the public eye,” dealing with a child or with children that seem entirely unruly, I ask myself a simple, obvious question. Is this person, or are these people, “a bad parent,” or “bad parents?” A lot of folks would hold this to be more ore…

  • Symptoms Your Expecatations vs His Behavior – Autism

    I’ve written a couple of pieces in a row about the idea of “symptoms” of Autism. The first thing you should understand, is that what I refer to as “symptoms” are more or less properly referred to as “behaviors.” I use the word “symptoms,” because for Autistic folks—at least some of them—behaviors are a matter…

  • Symptoms – Largest Concerns – Autism

    For the last couple of things I’ve written for my blog, I have focused on a couple of main ideas. The first I’ll mention, is the idea that if you don’t seek to know and understand an Autistic person, you will be hard put to deal with them in any reasonable or meaningful way. This…