More on the Wane – Religion and Politics
I hope it’s obvious what I’m trying to make clear by what I’m saying here. There’s little doubt that COVID-19 is going to continue to have an effect, as long as we proceed along our current trajectory. If we choose instead, to open things up and let it run its course, while protecting our high-risk…
Foreign Interference – Religion and Politics
You can try to argue that question however you please, but to me, the answer is simple. They cannot compete. If they could, their model for operation would be the one winning the day. It’s just not that complex.
Identity Includes Choice – Religion and Politics
So for those who assume there’s no choice in identity, you can be assured, I disagree. Further, for those who decide some of those choices don’t work in contravention to one’s identity—and often to the definite benefit of the person with that identity—I very much suggest you consult a former drug or alcohol addict. I…
Talking Politics – Religion and Politics
So is it unreasonable to talk politics or religion? Not at all! Care should be taken with how you say what you say. Further, you should be at least as interested, if not more so, in ensuring what you say is true and correct, than when discussing any other thing. And remember, if what you…
The Tyranny of the Majority – Religion and Politics
If you think the idea of the tyranny of the majority isn’t a “real thing,” please know, it is. If you think it’s not potentially a direct result of democracy, and that most other systems even allow it to exist, understand, you’re in error. It’s on this basis, our country was not founded, and is…
Fifteen Days to Rule Them All – Religion and Politics
You may not believe it, but I’m fully of a mind, that unscrupulous folks are taking advantage of fear, to cow people into doing their bidding, with the intent of making the existing situation look dire, and the person who they claim—fallaciously—created it, to look like some sort of ogre. And it all started with,…
Like North Korea – Religion and Politics
I’m afraid even former denizens of the DPRK, will likely count comparing the chance of contracting COVID-19, to living in their former home, more than a little ridiculous. If you were to ask most, “If you could be assured you’ll contract COVID-19, but after recovery, could leave your home and be among the poor in…
The Physical You – Religion and Politics
So if you’re thinking about changing the physical you, you might come to the conclusion from what I’m saying, that the potential drawbacks are too great. If that isn’t the case, consider this. What the physical you shows the World is not necessarily anything like what can be found inside. Of course, this is as…
Contracting COVID-19 – Religion and Politics
If you’ve been through COVID-19, and survived it. Now’s the time to be happy. Now you should be able to get out and do things, to enjoy yourself a little. Goodness knows you deserve it!
Character – Religion and Politics
So, you may not have seen in past, the value in being a person of character. That considered, I hope today, you’ll decide to become such, if it’s not something you already count yourself. Some traits never go out of style. Character is definitely among those that will ever be