Category: Business

  • High Earners – Religion and Politics

    High Earners – Religion and Politics

    Is it true that people who qualify as high earners, often have more than they’ll ever need? Certainly. That said, most of them, are also producing or causing to be produced, those things off which the average person lives. Take what they have, and the question is, “Why should they continue to create things for…

  • What’s Wrong with a Public Option? – Religion and Politics

    What’s Wrong with a Public Option? – Religion and Politics

    I’ve given a quick overview of what you can expect, if either a public option, or a single payer system is put in place. Doing more, would take many times more space and hours, than I can easily break loose at present. If you want to see more, you can look into the work of…

  • Conversation’s a Two-Way Street – Religion and Politics

    Conversation’s a Two-Way Street – Religion and Politics

    If I had to give advice to others though, I would certainly say, they ought to remember, conversation’s a two-way street. You give, and you get, if you’re not interested in both, you’ll probably have discussions that are far less fruitful.

  • In Defense of Repugnance – Religion and Politics

    In Defense of Repugnance – Religion and Politics

    For the causes stated, I would argue that letting people hold forth when you’re able—even when what they choose to express, seems to be of no value, or is even seemingly problematic—is potentially a much more valuable thing, than you might recognize without diving a little deeper, than most are prone to. If you manage…

  • Talk is Cheap – Religion and Politics

    Talk is Cheap – Religion and Politics

    My simple message to you? Talk is cheap. That works for those around you. It works for politicians, too. If you ignore this reality, I can pretty much promise you’ll find yourself wondering what went wrong at some point.

  • Don’t Think, Just Do – Religion and Politics

    Don’t Think, Just Do – Religion and Politics

    You may think you can go through life, doing without thinking as a default response; and maybe just maybe, you’ll succeed in not meeting with terrible results, for yourself and others. Then again, maybe not. Are you willing to take that chance?

  • Strongman – Religion and Politics

    Strongman – Religion and Politics

    My message in this piece? Just because a person can be said to be a strongman, don’t assume evil on their part.

  • The Tyranny of the Majority – Religion and Politics

    The Tyranny of the Majority – Religion and Politics

    If you think the idea of the tyranny of the majority isn’t a “real thing,” please know, it is. If you think it’s not potentially a direct result of democracy, and that most other systems even allow it to exist, understand, you’re in error. It’s on this basis, our country was not founded, and is…

  • The Presumption of Innocence – Religion and Politics

    The Presumption of Innocence – Religion and Politics

    I’m sure by this point, you’ve come to realize, I’m writing what I am in this little essay, as a plea to those desirous of seeing others held accountable for wrongs, before due process has been observed. I hope you’ll understand my refusal to act, when guilt hasn’t been established. The presumption of innocence is…

  • Equal Treatment – Religion and Politics

    Equal Treatment – Religion and Politics

    The point is, there are times when folks do things in ways that make it so they intentionally act with a bias, based on their beliefs. This is now happening on a large scale, where conservatives are concerned. How do we fix that? I don’t have an answer. Nonetheless, something(s) must be done. You can…