Role Models – Religion and Politics
It’s not so easy being the kind of person others won’t be let down by, assuming they try to follow in their footsteps. You’d be surprised how many choose people not worthy of their admiration, much less their allegiance. If you can’t imagine yourself being happy to be like that person as they are in…
Even Handedness – Religion and Politics
Summing up, if you want people to consider you a useful, truthful source of information, you need to understand being even-handed—treating people with fairness, no matter their perspective or identity—will go a long way toward that end. That includes making sure those from whom you get additional information take the same approach. If you fail…
Appeasement – Religion and Politics
In past, I’ve been willing to appease. At this point in my life, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s almost never a reasonable course. So if you’re getting into, or find yourself already in a situation where appeasement is an integral part, it might be time to consider letting it go.
Using Grief – Religion and Politics
The main point I wanted to make is this. If you choose to use the funeral, memorial, wake or other near-death event to aggrandize yourself, to push a political or social message, or to otherwise seek personal (or even perceived public) gain, in my view, you’ve made the wrong choice.
Reaching Across the Aisle – Religion and Politics
It’s just not so difficult to grasp. People don’t reach across the aisle, because after years and years taken to decide what they believe and why, they’re not going to be easily swayed to take actions that are in contrast to wisdom gained. What side of the aisle they’re on doesn’t change that. To expect…
Ownership – Religion and Politics
You may consider ownership to be some sort of wrongheaded world view. I challenge you to consider the little or much you possess being the potential target of the uncouth and uncaring. Where does your right to ownership end, and their right to take that which you’ve carefully worked to keep, begin? For my part,…
No Choice – Religion and Politics
In finality though, the point of this little essay is this. You may think small things you do without much consideration, don’t matter a lot. In the end, it’s possible you’ll find they lead you down life-or-death paths, if you don’t take the time to make the right decisions.
COVID-19 and Comorbidities – Religion and Politics
So where that six percent number isn’t indicative of all people for whom COVID-19 was even the primary cause of mortality, it’s still a helpful indicator when determining the best course of action going forward. What should that look like? I’m no expert, and my answer is strictly based on how things look to me…
Catching More Flies – Religion and Politics
Dr Martin Luther King Jr made it his business to be non-violent. He was kind and polite. That doesn’t mean he sacrificed his principles or beliefs on the altar of friendliness. That man was willing to die for what he believed; in fact, it’s entirely correct to argue that’s exactly what he did. Just remember…
Alert Systems – Religion and Politics
I get wanting to have various services that keep people up to speed on impending issues and dangers. Overall though, I truly question whether they do more harm than good. I’m no genius, as such I’m not sure what can be done to make them more relevant, but it seems to me, this is something…