Category: Philosophy

  • On Disability

    It strikes me as highly unlikely that the average human being having done much of anything in his or her life has not experienced the “agony of defeat.” As I said in another post on this site, it is often (if not always) true that the most celebrated and, well, successful people, have also been…

  • On Celebration

    It’s been years since I celebrated most of the things the average person considers worth their time and effort. Oh, I wish folks a happy birthday, and congratulate them on new jobs, the birth of babies and things of that sort. On the other hand, I don’t do things like, really celebrate Hallowe’en, Christmas or…

  • On the Ills of Social Media

    Do these pants make me look fat? Wait! That wasn’t what I intended to ask. Sorry, the question I intended to ask is, “Do I seem long-winded to you?” Both questions are about appearances, but the first doesn’t really bother or concern me; and because it’s not a real concern for me, I don’t have…

  • More on Success and Failure

    I’ll be the first to admit that I have found myself to be wrong on more than a few counts over the course of my life. As one might expect, some of the errant perspectives I have held have been entirely minor, some more major, and some life changing when internalized and understood. In this…

  • On Freedom of Speech in the United States

    Perhaps one of the most enduring things where the United States is concerned is its founding documents. Many have called, for example, the United States Constitution all but—if not—a miraculous document. I’m not entirely sure I would go that far. What I would say, however, is that the Constitution is in many ways a marvelous…

  • My Own of Course — Whose Ideas Do You Support?

    I have to be entirely honest, I have zero idea how much of the time I sound big headed, conceited, whatever you choose to call it. It’s not so much that I don’t care, as that: I’m pretty well convinced that people will assume you’re conceited for nothing more than that you disagree with their…

  • The Result of Riots

    Here’s the reality. Someone did something bad or wrong, you’re upset (maybe irate). That is understandable. Let’s look at how one responds though. Allow me to present a simple scenario. Your daughter fails a critical test, how do you respond? Do you deal with your daughter, or do you spank and ground some kid you…

  • On Failure and Its Relationship to Success

    Anybody who has ever spent time scribbling on a pad, or typing at a keyboard in a vain attempt to convey some idea is likely fully aware that what he or she is saying has been said before. It’s even possible that those saying what he or she is saying in his or her current…

  • On the PragerU Video that Follows the Post

    So I’m watching this video from PragerU (with whom I tend to agree about ninety percent of the time—maybe a bit more), and I’m somewhat astounded—but not for the reasons the presenter might imagine. I started to share the video, which overall, I still think to be quite good, since it presents a perspective I…

  • On Left Versus Right Wing

    It seems to me that a good many people are confused as to what Left and Right wing “look like” and, as a result, what political ideologies fall where on the “left versus right scale.” I would like, with this article, to talk just a little bit about how I understand things, so that others…