Category: Philosophy

  • How Do Most People Recognize Autism? Short Answer, “They Don’t!”

    My son is a “party mooch.” I doubt seriously that this is a thing commonly said about moderately Autistic children, but it’s certainly true for Garrett. Sometime in the last year (his fifth), we were in a local park. There was an “event” going on there, that was for the children of the staff of…

  • Tit-For-Tat

    I will be the first to acknowledge that people—whether in cohesive groupings or not, and some of them even fundamentally good in nature—have done things that have inflicted various levels of harm on others on the basis of at least questionable, if not outright errant accusations and suppositions. I’ll certainly agree that, most particularly the…

  • Politics And Life

    I’m not sure if, at the age of 54, I can officially consider myself “old.” I’m not even sure there is any kind of “official” definition. I know that—though the age has “moved up” in my lifetime many places—I am eligible at some venues, for the “senior discount.” Maybe that’s old, maybe not, I’ll leave…

  • Autism – What Did You Know and When Did You Know It?

    I’m not a person who likes to draw conclusions on obviously incomplete data. For example, I like to make sure people are as aware of things pertinent to any post I write as possible. That’s why I’m prefixing this post with the statement that I have an Autistic soon-to-be-six-year-old at home. I know that people…

  • What’s Important?

    Anybody who knows me personally (and some who don’t) are aware that I have an Autistic son. As a result, I tend to pay attention when folks (especially adults) who have Autism or deal with Autistic folks, speak about their experience and give advice on things you can do to help in the process of…

  • On Property Ownership

    One of the hardest things about writing has little or nothing to do with the actual act. Rather, it comes before the actual time “penning” a given piece of work. Having once decide about what one is going to speak, there is a tendency to come to the stark realization that, the thing I about…

  • Marriage – An Unfortunate Viewpoint

    I think it highly likely that any complicated set of beliefs, will have adherents who have a variety of misconceptions about that belief set. It is obvious this must be true for Christianity, since a pretty crucial reason for the number of sects currently found in Christendom can be stated simply as “differences in beliefs,”…

  • On The Nuclear Family

    Anybody silly enough to believe it is a new thing that young people are confused in a couple of significant ways need only really peruse various histories with an open mind to decide otherwise. My generation had their own issues of confusion, and they didn’t look so very different in origin than the ones currently…

  • On Immigration, Law and Family

    Knowing the subject I am about to discuss to be a touchy one for a lot of folks out there, I will make a couple of important disclaimers. To begin with, let me say that I know the United States of America to be a nation literally built by and on immigrants. Some of those…

  • What, Again?

    Before I get into the “meat” of this post, allow me to tell you just a little about myself. To begin with, my training and credentials regarding Autism amount to zilch other than my experiences with a certain five-year-old named Garrett (and a few random encounters with other Autistic children and their parents, siblings and…