Category: Philosophy

  • Isms – Setting the Record Straight – More on Discrimination – Religion and Politics

    It’s an interesting reality. The more folks are able to complain they’re being “discriminated against” on some basis or other, the less it’s typically actually occurring. You see, if you can come out and openly state—even quietly, much less shouting it from the rooftops—that you’re being discriminated against on some basis without any harm coming…

  • On Civility – Religion and Politics

    It must be considered to be a simple reality of life that, when we speak, we do so from a perspective that is uniquely our own. There are some that will complain that doing so requires a lot of use of the words, “I” and, “me.” Be that as it may, such is the case…

  • Unconditional Love – Religion and Politics

    I have never met or even known of, another person with whom I agree on every point upon which they have expounded. I’m not at all surprised by this fact. To be honest, I consider it more or less a foregone conclusion that this will likely always be the case. The reality is, if a…

  • Motivation and Disability – Religion and Politics

    As with just about any other thing in life, understanding of two subjects that seem separate from one another, but in reality are strongly related—in this case, motivation and disability—is not a simple thing with which to come to grips. To begin with, the two seem entirely unrelated on first glance, and it’s not until…

  • Deflection and Inflation – Religion and Politics

    One of the sad realities of discussions surrounding mortality—to be sure you read that correctly, not morality, mortality, as in death—in the United States (and frankly, probably around the World), is the tendency on the part of those talking about such things to not even begin to address the considerations that really need talked about.…

  • On Boasting – Religion and Politics

    The first reality of life is, one must decide what one will and will not be, and what one will and will not do, as a matter of internal integrity, of what to one is correct and what is incorrect. That being said, I have a “bone to pick” with many posting on social media.…

  • On the Idea of Colonization – Religion and Politics

    There are so many interesting, exciting and worthwhile things about getting older. Granted, there are some bad as well, but that’s probably true with just about everything you can name this side of Heaven. One thing that happens is that one gains experience. This results in a number of different things, but one of them…

  • One Gets What One Gets – Religion and Politics

    I very much doubt that anyone I know believes they would be sad or disappointed at living in a perfect World—in ideal circumstances at all times, as it were. The truth is, I’m not sure how long anyone would last in that world. To begin with, I know that my introduction to a perfect world…

  • More on Self-Identification – Religion and Politics

    In a previous article (, I spent time talking about the concept of “self-identification” and the problems with it. As I argued in that article, as a rule external identification is preferable to self-identification, though it is not nearly always even close to perfect. Looking back, one thing I do not appear to have discussed…

  • On Standards and Fairness – Religion and Politics

    Recently it was made clear to me that standards without a creating or maintaining authority with commensurate responsibility are generally not meritorious. The primary reason for this is that, standards lacking these “facets” can be changed or have bits of them ignored or bits added, more or less at the whim of the person claiming…