The Equality Myth – Religion and Politics
What is the main point of this piece? That as a rule, equality where people are concerned is mythical—it doesn’t exist—either in opportunity or outcomes. If you think about it, that’s not only an acceptable thing, it’s actually a good one. That it’s not bad is the more wonderful, based on its impossibility. So what’re…
The Bleeding Edge – Religion and Politics
If you’re wondering why there’s a push toward the Right by people who seem not to “fit the profile,” you might consider the idea that the folks on the Left (read here, “folks who support the Democrat Party”) are more likely than not to be authoritarians. You might also come to realize they have a…
COVID-19 and Race – Religion and Politics
Many have pointed this out, but I’m going to do it again. The larger number of deaths as a result of COVID-19 have occurred in Democrat run cities and states. Even if you made the argument that blacks or Hispanics were disproportionately affected, and that it was a result of some sort of systemic bias…
The Separation of Concerns – Religion and Politics
We need to fix the current reality, that branches of government are meddling in domains in which they don’t belong. That’s clear. The how is not something I think any single individual will be able to answer; though there are undoubtedly many more qualified than am I. One way or another though, what’s happening at…
Observing the Transition – Religion and Politics
The few public examples of Left-leaning people moving to more Conservative vantage points, is heartening, but it’s often a slow, steady process. I believe they’re far from alone in that transition. I can’t say how many others are headed down that same traffic way—whether it’s a one lane road, or a six lane freeway—but I’m…
Wearing Masks – Religion and Politics
Nobody in his or her right mind made the argument that the disease would cease to be as a result of the measures in place. That’s not just true for COVID-19. Like it or not, the reason ‘flu shots have any efficacy at all—and I should say it’s pretty questionable they’re anything but hit-or-miss, but…
Bad Information – Religion And Politics
I understand the police do wrong. I’m not trying to cast them as infallible. Even though that’s true though, continuing to argue things like systemic racism and massive law enforcement corruption based on a few cases that don’t tend to end as originally advertised is neither helpful, nor more importantly, correct. Please don’t perpetuate bad…