The Common Man – Religion and Politics
In the end, it’s no surprise the media likely polls below ambulance chasers in reliability, accuracy and lack of bias. The common man may not be up on all that’s happening out there, but he or she is not the uncultured, ignorant buffoon the “regular” press assumes. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for prime time…
Multi Racial – Religion and Politics
In the end, I guess what I’m saying though is, where there are bound to be folks out there who irrationally hate or dislike people like my children, I’m assuredly not among them. Honestly, where I can’t say what everybody I know is thinking, I’ve never heard anybody talk such folks down. That of course,…
Benevolent Selfishness – Religion and Politics
Bringing things all together, remember that benevolent selfishness is really a pretty wonderful thing all around. Don’t know what that is? It’s doing things for others, so your life will eventually be that much easier for everybody. Try it, see how it works for you. It’s done wonders for me in the course of time.
Self Sacrifice – Religion and Politics
The way I view things—and have done for quite some time—unlike self defense, self sacrifice is something that I should expect to have as a part of my life on an ongoing basis. That may seem like an odd thing to say, if you have a different belief set than do I, but it’s where…
Nationalism – Religion and Politics
You have the right to look at and even practice nationalism as you choose. For me, it means being a part of a group greater than myself, with aspirations for a better future, first for ourselves, and finally, to those outside our borders. I hope this clarifies the position of what I imagine is a…
Overreaction – Religion and Politics
I’m not saying you should necessarily “count to ten” before you take action (as maybe your mother or father told you was wisdom). Then again, I’m not saying it’s a bad plan either. One way or another, we must seek to ensure we don’t make matters worse than they are already, by overreacting to that…
Civil Obedience – Religion and Politics
So you may believe adhering to societally normative standards is some sort of waste of time, but in reality, that’s what makes it easier to live in our little communities. If you honestly think the extra two minutes or less, or other meager benefit you get from most acts of civil disobedience is worth it,…
Conservatism Versus Progressivism – Religion and Politics
Concluding, I get that there are essentially three types of people, those who are conservative, those who are progressive, and those who don’t fall neatly in either camp. My assumption being that the third group is not a large one. The conservatives are largely motivated by a desire to keep things as they are, making…