If You’ve Ever Wondered About the Expression “Indomitable Spirit” – About MSG Roy Benavidez
Being pretty much a pacifist these days, I really don’t support the idea of military service—even though I spent nine years in the U. S. Air Force. I recognize the right of states to maintain militias, and the intent of the Second Amendment of the U. S. Constitution to support unhindered arming of U. S.…
About Hillary Clinton
I don’t normally talk about things I don’t consider timeless on this blog. I am going to make an exception, but let somebody else do the talking.
Another Favorite Video -Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
This is an excellent video come to explaining why mass immigration to the U.S. (or anywhere else) is not the solution to Poverty (or much of anything else).
On Doctrinal Purity and Its Relation to Practice in Islam
I have recently—yet again—been accosted with an argument that can be considered one of the base arguments pertaining to any belief set. The essence of the argument is, “Most people don’t follow the pure base doctrine anyway, so (essentially) the base doctrine is irrelevant.” This post is intended to explain the flaw in this logic—the “fly…
Another Favorite Video: Three Things You Probably Did Not Know About Islam
I don’t agree with all of the conclusions drawn herein about OTHER belief sets (and could explain why this is true), but the point is, this is something one ought to look at. I’m more than willing to hear arguments to the contrary with regard to what is being said here (and would even consider removing it I can…
Christianity and Politics
I have found myself recently, saying (essentially), “People who know me at all would know this or that about me.” I’m going to do that again now. If you know anything about me at all, you’re aware that I don’t support the political process with either votes, money (at least not by intent) or time…
“The Kingdom of God Is Within You” by graf Leo Tolstoy – Free Ebook
If you’re a Christian and you have not read this book, you ought to do so. Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. Source: “The Kingdom of God Is Within You” by graf Leo Tolstoy – Free Ebook
Overview of America – YouTube
Another favorite video of mine…
Islam and Racism
I can’t imagine anybody knowing me for very long, without coming to the understanding that I don’t believe in the concept of “race” as is it typically applied to humanity. Put simply, I do not believe in different races among humans and therefor, do not believe in racism among them either. There are a lot of…
YouTube Obama Mocking God and the Bible Speech on Religion – YouTube
What’s wrong with this video? Well, there are multiple things, let’s see if we can come up with some of them: Mr Obama appears to be unfamiliar with his Bible. He is—by way of example—unfamiliar with the idea of Old Testament versus New Testament. Funny that the majority of his quotes are Old Testament, and that…