One Gets What One Gets – Religion and Politics
I very much doubt that anyone I know believes they would be sad or disappointed at living in a perfect World—in ideal circumstances at all times, as it were. The truth is, I’m not sure how long anyone would last in that world. To begin with, I know that my introduction to a perfect world…
On Standards and Fairness – Religion and Politics
Recently it was made clear to me that standards without a creating or maintaining authority with commensurate responsibility are generally not meritorious. The primary reason for this is that, standards lacking these “facets” can be changed or have bits of them ignored or bits added, more or less at the whim of the person claiming…
More on Forms of Government – Religion and Politics
Much has been said by a great many people about the various possible forms of government. I have read or otherwise been “subjected to” a variety of presentations on the matter at hand. It’s also true that I maintain active “conversations with” others where possible on this consideration. All of this “put together,” has caused…
A Sign of the Times? – Religion and Politics
How many times did I hear it as a young man? Surprisingly, not many! “When I was a boy…” This expression was not often uttered by adults in my childhood—or at least not in my hearing. In fact, most of the adults about and around me, tended to keep to themselves that precious wisdom that…
Even the Present Isn’t the Future – Religion and Politics
I’ve said it before, but cannot say it often enough. Each lesson in life is a challenge to us. It is put in place for us to deal with, so that we may learn, and aspire to things greater than those the which we have previously come to understand, and with which we can hope…
This is How Memories Die – Religion and Politics
I well understand that the very title of this article makes it seem the article is not one folks would like to read. Where I see this as being true, I also see a need to write this, in order to potentially give folks an understanding of some basic truths of life as I see…
Are Republics Inherently Good? – Religion and Poltics
In a relatively recent article, I wrote about Socialism. At least one person who read that article, took me to be saying—as far as I am able to tell—“Socialism is never a good thing.” My actual intent was to say that, “Government is Socialist by nature. All government activities should be limited to more or…
What am I Owed and by Whom – Religion and Politics
I can’t remember when the seemingly trite expression became real to me. I think it was probably in the last ten years, but it may’ve been longer ago than that. The essence of the expression is, “Life is one gigantic lesson—or a litany thereof—to be learned.” The point here, is it that all other things…