Category: Religion, Politics and Philosophy

  • Pandemic! – Religion And Politics

    “PANDEMIC!” It sounds so scary, but in reality, the danger presented by a pandemic cannot be measured by looking strictly at the numbers of affected individuals. Rather, you must consider the results. Are people being badly affected? How, and to what extent?

  • Immunity – Religion and Politics

    I can understand a perspective that says, “If you’re at risk, take precautions.” I can understand people supporting folks who are at risk. I cannot count reasonable, affecting many who not only are at very low risk at worst, but are at risk for other conditions potentially as a result of the current course of action—particularly with no real understanding what we’re bringing about.

  • Why Write Laws? – Religion and Politics

    How do you make good, decent people? It starts early, and preferably at home, but it extends to all of us. When you present a role model, and help young folks to understand how important it is to be good, honorable, helpful, useful folks, you’re helping to make the difference.

  • Government as Competition – Religion and Politics

    By way of quick example. Running a daycare in the place I live, more or less requires you avail yourself of USDA supplied food. Why? If you don’t you must buy sustenance, and pass the cost on to parents and guardians. The result? The USDA “owns that market.” Among other things this means, it mandates what daycares can do and say—how they may act. Fail to comply? Lose USDA “support.” This is the reality.

  • Standards – Religion and Politics

    Simply put, if you allow yourself to be “pigeon-holed” into a specific pre-defined ideology, rather than thinking for yourself, you’ll get what you’ve got. On the other hand, if people are willing to think for themselves, they can work to get out from under the heavy jack-boot of an oppressive national government that has long been far over-reaching. Your choice, but if you choose the former, rather than the latter, don’t be surprised by the end result.

  • Rioters Versus Vigilantes – Religion and Politics

    You may equate rioting and vigilantism, I disagree. Even if you do, where I don’t agree, both are wrong in any case. Fact is though, rioting tends to be the “worst of all worlds” because of its fairly consistent bad effect on unrelated people and property.

  • Ambassador Versus Employee – Religion and Politics

    You may not think you have that kind of power; to lose business for your employer, or cause the entity to thrive. Let me assure you, you do; your choices may mean the difference between having a place to go to work every day (wonderful or not), and watching a business’ doors close, never to reopen. Should you aim to be an ambassador, or just an employee? You decide. Just remember, decisions and the actions that follow have consequences.

  • Bully – Religion and Politics

    My message to those of you who help to convict others of minor crimes decades after they happen? Make sure there are no potential “skeletons in your proverbial closet” before proceeding. You may be next!

  • COVID-19 and Useful Pawns – Religion and Politics

    Here’s my message to those of you who drop bombshells without consideration of the truth. Maybe, just maybe you should consider being skeptical, and taking a little more time to do research before posting things that may well result in pandemonium as they make their way through the “social-media-sphere.”

  • Black on Black Crime – Religion and Politics

    There are issues in every walk of life and interaction type. That’s not bound to change. It’s all about the numbers. That’s where the problem exists. More people die of violent black on black crime by far, than die in police violence of any type. That is why people talk about black on black crime.