Category: Health and Fitness

  • On Celebration

    It’s been years since I celebrated most of the things the average person considers worth their time and effort. Oh, I wish folks a happy birthday, and congratulate them on new jobs, the birth of babies and things of that sort. On the other hand, I don’t do things like, really celebrate Hallowe’en, Christmas or…

  • On the Ills of Social Media

    Do these pants make me look fat? Wait! That wasn’t what I intended to ask. Sorry, the question I intended to ask is, “Do I seem long-winded to you?” Both questions are about appearances, but the first doesn’t really bother or concern me; and because it’s not a real concern for me, I don’t have…

  • More on Success and Failure

    I’ll be the first to admit that I have found myself to be wrong on more than a few counts over the course of my life. As one might expect, some of the errant perspectives I have held have been entirely minor, some more major, and some life changing when internalized and understood. In this…

  • My Own of Course — Whose Ideas Do You Support?

    I have to be entirely honest, I have zero idea how much of the time I sound big headed, conceited, whatever you choose to call it. It’s not so much that I don’t care, as that: I’m pretty well convinced that people will assume you’re conceited for nothing more than that you disagree with their…

  • On Failure and Its Relationship to Success

    Anybody who has ever spent time scribbling on a pad, or typing at a keyboard in a vain attempt to convey some idea is likely fully aware that what he or she is saying has been said before. It’s even possible that those saying what he or she is saying in his or her current…

  • On Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Human Life

    In my previous article, I took the time to dispel some myths about the sanctity of human life and how Conservatives are wont to see it. I consider that to have been important to do, but not as important as what I feel the need to address in this article. Though the prior article made…

  • Rectitude Versus Popularity

    Of all the considerations that plague modern man, one of the most difficult—particularly for the young—appears to be the battle between popularity and rectitude (being correct). For many, the battle may continue much further than their youth. Many seem, in point of fact, to continue to fight the battle for the majority of their days.…

  • Reality and Truth Versus Dreams and Feelings

    There has been a subject on and off of my heart and mind for some time. I won’t go into details as to why this is the case, rather, I have it in mind to cover the subject itself and let folks work out for themselves the whys and wherefores. The subject is summed up…

  • My “Qualifications” to Talk About Health and Fitness Related Issues

    I started writing an article for the Health and Fitness part of my blog, and came to the conclusion that I wanted a section of the blog post that talked about my experiences and why it might not be a bad idea to consider what I say. I got into this, and began to realize…