Category: Health and Fitness

  • COVID-19 and Useful Pawns – Religion and Politics

    Here’s my message to those of you who drop bombshells without consideration of the truth. Maybe, just maybe you should consider being skeptical, and taking a little more time to do research before posting things that may well result in pandemonium as they make their way through the “social-media-sphere.”

  • Black on Black Crime – Religion and Politics

    There are issues in every walk of life and interaction type. That’s not bound to change. It’s all about the numbers. That’s where the problem exists. More people die of violent black on black crime by far, than die in police violence of any type. That is why people talk about black on black crime.

  • The Impossible Dream, Part II? – Religion and Politics

    The result is, there are any number of young people (and probably far too many older ones) who are prone to believe things that are entirely untrue. This then, is the “first battle.” To bring people to an understanding of the falsehood with which that have been plied, in order to rid them of notions…

  • Spirit Versus Letter – Religion and Politics

    What do I conclude? The mask ordinance is a near total failure. This doesn’t surprise me in the least. More Importantly? Most folks care only about the letter of the law, not the spirit of it as such, a rule like that cannot help but fail.

  • It’s Free… – Religion and Politics

    Put another way, likely predominantly non-students got food, and the taxpayer (with little or no input) paid for it. That may not be a problem for you, but you can rest assured it is for me and others like me. I pay for what I eat and feed my child (who is “school aged”). When…

  • The Sea Slug Among Zebras – Religion and Politics

    There is an older “formerly transgender” gentleman who essentially said, “All I managed to do was to make myself look like that which I desired to be via chemistry and physical mutilation.” Remember, these are not my words. In the end, he was still what he was, and it made him feel no better to…

  • The Impossible Dream – Autism

    I spent weeks trying to convince my son that talking dogs (read here, “the like of Scooby-Doo”) are not real. I still think he comes back to the belief they’re actually a thing. Such is my life, and his. My time is at an end where this article is concerned. I just wanted to give…

  • Statistics Versus Anecdote – Religion and Politics

    Put simply, if I didn’t kill your uncle, nor assent to his death, if you make me undergo retribution for that act, you’re potentially no better than the people who actually did kill your uncle. That doesn’t mean it’s not sad, unfortunate, and a matter that should be taken up that your uncle was killed,…

  • Violence – Religion and Politics

    Nobody in their right mind is trying to say law enforcement is “pure as the driven snow” (that would be like trying to argue that my children are “perfect angels”—which not one of them has ever been). But the majority of folks working to keep the streets policed tend to be good, honest, hard working…

  • Questionalble Judgement – Religion and Politics

    Final thought? Protesting is literally Constitutionally guaranteed. That doesn’t mean every instance of it is anywhere near reasonable. In the instance this was “modeled after,” I submit it was not.