Category: Health and Fitness

  • COVID-19, The Reality – Religion and Politics

    Many probably think I’m crazy for what I’m saying here, but I’m going to bring this article to its conclusion. You need to ask yourself one simple question. “Why after more than six months of watching this play out, with numbers dropping drastically, are we still treating this like it’s the worst thing on the…

  • Truth and Opinion – Religion and Politics

    The final point I’d like to make is, where I take pains here to say I’m sorry for causing others heartache, I flatly refuse to apologize for airing my opinions with the express intent of hearing agreement and opposing views. Discourse makes it possible for me and others to both experiment in, and more importantly,…

  • My Body, My Choice and Mask Wear – Religion and Politics

    You can hold it against me, that I don’t wear masks (even though in six months, the death toll from COVID-19 in the state where I reside is somewhere in the range of 530 persons). If you do though, expect me to ask you about your actions during the ‘flu season. Likewise, expect me to…

  • Packing Heat – Religion and Politics

    To close, it may seem attractive to infringe the basic rights of Americans by seeking to disarm the populace at large. You may even think you or others have good reason to do so. I would encourage you to consider just the few things I’ve mentioned in this little essay, and to look at other…

  • Riots, A Different Perspective – Religion and Politics

    Will groups like Black Lives Matter be able to woo others by disseminating information that later proves to be entirely false, or at least, largely flawed? Maybe for a time, but in the long run, I would argue this is not likely. So why do this? Because the reality is, there are relatively few valid…

  • Law and a Living Wage – Religion and Politics

    You may think the idea of a government mandated minimum or living wage is reasonable. As for me, I don’t. You can see from what I’ve said in this article why that’s the case. Do you have ideas to make things “better?” I’d be willing to hear them. Keep in mind though, I’ve heard more…

  • An Informed Electorate – Religion and Politics

    Do you think things are bad politically at present? Are you concerned about the direction in which America appears to be headed? If we don’t strongly grab hold of knowing who’s running, as well as history and the meat and potatoes of political ideologies, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

  • COVID-19 – By the Numbers – Religion and Politics

    Considering the data cited, I really have to question the current responses to COVID-19. Am I truly alone in having a reaction like this, or is it far more common than typically gets reported?

  • On The House – Religion and Politics

    For my part, I think we’ve become confused. To begin with, at no point did the government of the U.S. or any of its subordinate entities become responsible for cradle-to-grave care of its citizens. On top of that, despotism is about taking control, can people honestly not see that’s what folks in government are currently…

  • Income Inequality – Religion and Politics

    The basic point of this little writing is, the argument ought not to be “defunding the rich.” It ought rather to be, making sure that Americans are able to get jobs or find ways to make a living, that give them enough income to be happy with their lot.