Stepping Away – Religion And Politics
So, maybe it’s not the total ticket to success when dealing with complex issues. Maybe others can function unerringly without needing to step out, but for me it’s been an invaluable tool in my toolbox. If you find issues at work or in your personal life are leaving you drained and feeling like a failure…
Undue Violence – Religion and Politics
Perhaps you think you’ll change the world through rash, violent action. The truth is, you can’t help but change some part of it. That doesn’t mean the alterations will be for the better. When you maim and kill as a result of trying to bring about some difference or other though, you can count on…
Social Safety Net – Religion and Politics
You may think government programs are generally pretty decent, that’s not been my experience. Even now, I’ve been waiting for a decision on my local unemployment insurance for the past six weeks. I’ve been off work (and looking desperately for more), for three months. Part of the delay was my fault, the rest is on…
Covert Authority – Religion and Politics
In the end, the point is, if you don’t take the time to see what’s happening, if you continue to cede your rights to “government agencies here to help,” you shouldn’t be surprised when the result is not what you expected. Whether you like it or not, when some folks taste power, their response may…
COVID-19 – Yet More on Masks – Religion and Politics
You need to understand, if you honestly believe that face coverings are a great solution for keeping various kinds of infections from spreading, I strongly urge you to look at how those around you are acting when they wear them. Maybe you’ll experience greater care than I’ve been prone to see. I doubt it.
Bending the Knee – Religion and Politics
It may be the mantra of many politicians to shift their tack based on the direction of the school of fish with which they swim. For me though, moving with the herd is not what keeps me oriented. Rather I seek to work to maintain an internal integrity that consistently improves. If you’ve spent your…
More on COVID-19 Responses – Religion and Politics
This brings me to the point of my piece. Where people may argue that the difference between the death rate in a place like Philadelphia and one like Saint Louis was a result of mask wear, social distancing and lock downs, I’m not inclined to accept that’s as likely as they want you to believe.…
The Equality Myth – Religion and Politics
What is the main point of this piece? That as a rule, equality where people are concerned is mythical—it doesn’t exist—either in opportunity or outcomes. If you think about it, that’s not only an acceptable thing, it’s actually a good one. That it’s not bad is the more wonderful, based on its impossibility. So what’re…