Misdirection – Religion and Politics
Summing up. Directing somebody to a given conclusion or position is totally fine. Misdirecting folks to the perspectives you desire them to hold though, is not. If you don’t think there’s an issue with the idea that an organization essentially usurps the words you wish others to support, you need to come to realize that…
Police Reform – Religion and Politics
Can various law enforcement entities change the way they operate, and do so for the better? They not only like can, but are daily in the process of doing so without anybody pushing for that from outside their ranks. Will reducing their funding aid that process? Would you expect doing that to work if you…
Income Inequality – Religion and Politics
The basic point of this little writing is, the argument ought not to be “defunding the rich.” It ought rather to be, making sure that Americans are able to get jobs or find ways to make a living, that give them enough income to be happy with their lot.
Consequences – Religion and Politics
Did your parents ever say to you, “Make good choices!”? You should understand how wise a thing this was for them to utter, considering its simplicity. The result may not always be good, but most of the time, you can bet it will be. As stated, the converse is also true. Make bad choices, and…
Why Electoral College – Religion and Politics
In the end though, I hope you understand why it’s important for the electoral college to stay in place. If not, allow me to try to condense things. If you live in Arkansas or Idaho, even with electoral college, your vote barely counts, what little it hits the scoreboard now, would cease to be without…
Police Versus Rioters – Religion and Politics
I’m willing to hear that law enforcement is acting badly when it occurs. I’m even willing to say it’s institutional or systemic when it is—something I don’t see as a rule. Are you willing to find fault with looters, rioters and protesters? I certainly hope so.
COVID-19 and Alarmism – Religion and Politics
You may think what’s being done about COVID-19 is reasonable. What you should understand is, many don’t. To top it off, it’s literally unprecedented. We have viral outbreaks, if they’re as serious as the Spanish ‘Flu was, they should be handled in more radical ways. For COVID-19, I’ve yet to see any proof it’s all…
Critical Race Theory? – Religion and Politics
Personally, I don’t believe our traits and abilities are a matter of race. There’re things that are innate, and others that are heavily practiced. Our race, I think, has little to do with that. Want to excel? Work on the important things over which you don’t presently have command.
Black Supremacy – Religion and Politics
That being said, if you think because a bunch of black folks are successful in a variety of ways in which I would love to excel myself, I’m going to cry, “Black Supremacy!” You can rest easy. That’s not going to happen.
White Supremacy – Religion and Politics
I’m not trying to argue that there’re not those sold on the perspective of “white supremacy.” That being said, I am arguing that anyone who does so has holes in their head if they truly believe in such a ridiculous thing. You should also know, such people will likely never cease to exist, even if…