Rashness – Religion and Politics
19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. – James 1 (KJV), Bible Rashness – Acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration. – Dictionary.com Of all people I expect…
Counting the Cost – Religion and Politics
The point of all of this? If you think increasing taxation on the wealthy will result in sufficient funding for more programs, you should know you’re massively in error. Doing so would barely provide a “drop in the proverbial bucket” compared to what’s already owed by the federal government alone. And that’s if you taxed…
Successful Society – Religion and Politics
One of the more annoying things that happens to you when you settle down, and start providing housing for yourself and others, is finding that “science experiment” in the refrigerator. It’s hard to decide whether it’s more annoying when someone else “creates it,” or when you do. Nonetheless, when you find it, it must be…
On Essential Personnel – Religion and Politics
I did something last night that I would pretty much never do by choice. I bought yet another television. Why? Suffice it to say I have progeny who do a fine job of destroying things. After the grand unboxing of the cheap, relatively nondescript item in question, I set about making it function. It was…
On Captialsm and Wealth – Religion and Politics
How do you in the United States (at or relatively near the “poverty level” in particular) think it would feel to be filthy rich? What if I told you that by comparison to much of the rest of the World’s population, you know? You see, it turns out that in very few places in the…
Why I’m a Skeptic – Religion and Politics
Many people are prone to look at a person like me and immediately chant the “No negativity” mantra. The funny thing is, I’m not a particularly negative person. What I am is a “skeptic.” In my mind, the most important thing about something one does or says, is that it should be treated as suspect…
We’re Sorry, The World is Currently Closed – Religion and Politics
Here we are! 2020 and the Great Corona Scare is in full swing. I know that almost everybody I’ve talked with about this is at least marginally and mostly completely of a different opinion surrounding all that’s transpiring, than am I. The thing is, the Corona Virus in its current mutation is like so many…
Employers, the Benefactor Most Beneficiaries Love to Hate – Religion and Politics
You are a successful businessperson. Most people have no idea what you had to do and be in order to accomplish that. They look at your position today and assume ’twas ever thus. They’re unable to imagine the “days of ramen.” They cannot envision you struggling to pay for gas in your old used car.…
Desires and Expectations – Religion and Politics
There’s an old expression in English. The expression in question is, “Quibble terms.” It’s so easy to hear a word, and decide that its definition is something entirely different than what someone else looking at the same word assumes it to mean. I want to be clear when I say that, what I am not…