The Cost of Mayhem – Religion and Politics
If you think you’re doing anybody a favor by rioting, looting and, destruction, you’re not just lying to yourself, you’re harming people about whom you claim to care in the process. To say nothing of others you’ve never even met, who might seek to be sympathetic to your plight, were it not for your untoward…
Stepping Away – Religion And Politics
So, maybe it’s not the total ticket to success when dealing with complex issues. Maybe others can function unerringly without needing to step out, but for me it’s been an invaluable tool in my toolbox. If you find issues at work or in your personal life are leaving you drained and feeling like a failure…
Fact Check – Religion and Politics
The point here is this. If you own or run a social media company, please don’t assume I want you to act as my nanny, and validate the correctness of what’s put out on your site. I can do that work acceptably well all on my own. Thanks for your attention.
This Location Permanently Closed – Religion and Politics
Businesses should always remember, they serve at the pleasure of those willing to frequent their establishments. If you continually do things that run those people off, count on falling by the wayside. Heck, there’re times when you don’t even have to do that. A local branch of an at least interstate doughnut shop, went under…
Bending the Knee – Religion and Politics
It may be the mantra of many politicians to shift their tack based on the direction of the school of fish with which they swim. For me though, moving with the herd is not what keeps me oriented. Rather I seek to work to maintain an internal integrity that consistently improves. If you’ve spent your…
Words Aren’t Action – Religion and Politics
Once upon a time, there was a man known as Saul of Tarsus. In his younger days, he at least stood by and assented to the stoning of a Christian man (and it’s rumored, so much worse). That man later came to be known as Paul the Apostle. People can and do change. It may…
The Equality Myth – Religion and Politics
What is the main point of this piece? That as a rule, equality where people are concerned is mythical—it doesn’t exist—either in opportunity or outcomes. If you think about it, that’s not only an acceptable thing, it’s actually a good one. That it’s not bad is the more wonderful, based on its impossibility. So what’re…
Observing the Transition – Religion and Politics
The few public examples of Left-leaning people moving to more Conservative vantage points, is heartening, but it’s often a slow, steady process. I believe they’re far from alone in that transition. I can’t say how many others are headed down that same traffic way—whether it’s a one lane road, or a six lane freeway—but I’m…