Category: Business

  • The Physical You – Religion and Politics

    The Physical You – Religion and Politics

    So if you’re thinking about changing the physical you, you might come to the conclusion from what I’m saying, that the potential drawbacks are too great. If that isn’t the case, consider this. What the physical you shows the World is not necessarily anything like what can be found inside. Of course, this is as…

  • Character – Religion and Politics

    Character – Religion and Politics

    So, you may not have seen in past, the value in being a person of character. That considered, I hope today, you’ll decide to become such, if it’s not something you already count yourself. Some traits never go out of style. Character is definitely among those that will ever be

  • Thick Skin – Religion and Politics

    Thick Skin – Religion and Politics

    The point of all I’ve expressed to this juncture, is that there’s a lot to be said for being thick skinned, and not much to be said, when that layer is a thin one. That’s why I consider it so important to teach him the “skill” of dealing with annoying, or even obnoxious individuals around…

  • Paying Taxes – Religion and Politics

    Paying Taxes – Religion and Politics

    So, if you wonder why somebody seen to be financially well off, may show basically no income tax when you’re able to get a glimpse of their IRS documentation, you can be sure the reasons may be many. And no, they’re not by any means all indicative of “bad action.”

  • Beating the System – Religion and Politics

    Beating the System – Religion and Politics

    I know it seems cool or good to find a way to beat the system. I get there’re times when you may be able to accomplish good things doing so. All I ask is, please keep such activities to times of need where possible. One never knows who might suffer the consequences otherwise.

  • The Means of Production – Religion and Politics

    The Means of Production – Religion and Politics

    So, you may think the concept of ownership by “the people,” of the “means of production” to be a good or proper one. If so, my challenge is that you go back, reread what I’ve said, and give answers that would satisfy not just my trepidation, but the consternation of both the people at large,…

  • On Propaganda – Religion and Politics

    On Propaganda – Religion and Politics

    So in the long run, people yelling “Propagandist!” may not be something you should totally ignore, but it is something you should be wary of. People doing so likely have a vested interest in your not believing what the supposed purveyor of propaganda is saying—whether it’s valid or not.

  • Area of Expertise – Religion and Politics

    Area of Expertise – Religion and Politics

    I’m running a little long, so let me wrap things up. There’re a lot of folks out there, who’re talking well outside their area of expertise on a variety of subjects. COVID-19 just happens to present an excellent example of this. You can continue to listen to voices who should have no reason to expect…

  • Life Doesn’t Stop – Religion and Politics

    Life Doesn’t Stop – Religion and Politics

    So, the question must be asked, “Should the current president nominate a replacement for a Supreme Court Justice no longer able to perform his or her duties in an election year, close to that election?” The answer, it seems to me is, “Unless someone can give strong reasons not to do so, yes.” You may…

  • Benevolent Selfishness – Religion and Politics

    Benevolent Selfishness – Religion and Politics

    Bringing things all together, remember that benevolent selfishness is really a pretty wonderful thing all around. Don’t know what that is? It’s doing things for others, so your life will eventually be that much easier for everybody. Try it, see how it works for you. It’s done wonders for me in the course of time.