The Physical You – Religion and Politics
So if you’re thinking about changing the physical you, you might come to the conclusion from what I’m saying, that the potential drawbacks are too great. If that isn’t the case, consider this. What the physical you shows the World is not necessarily anything like what can be found inside. Of course, this is as true for others as for you. Like those schools mentioned earlier in this work, one ought not judge the proverbial book by its cover.
Contracting COVID-19 – Religion and Politics
If you’ve been through COVID-19, and survived it. Now’s the time to be happy. Now you should be able to get out and do things, to enjoy yourself a little. Goodness knows you deserve it!
Character – Religion and Politics
So, you may not have seen in past, the value in being a person of character. That considered, I hope today, you’ll decide to become such, if it’s not something you already count yourself. Some traits never go out of style. Character is definitely among those that will ever be
Gun Control Laws – Religion and Politics
What all of this means is—laws being for the lawless—placing more restrictions on law-abiding citizens is highly unlikely to cause a reduction in crime—that includes the murder of innocents. In fact, you should be somewhat surprised if doing things like creating gun-free zones, doesn’t increase the rate of infraction in those places. Like it or not, the old idea is generally true, “Fences make for polite neighbors.” The same applies to the right to bear arms, regardless the reason for the protection of that right.
Rights and Discretion – Religion and Politics
You have rights, that’s sure. You may act in them as you desire. Is it always good so to do? Not nearly so! Just because one can claim a given liberty, doesn’t mean one ought always do so. I’m not saying one can’t do so (recognizing potential for retribution of one sort or another), just that it’s far from always wise to do so.
More on COVID-19 and Comorbidities – Religion and Politics
The point of this article was intended to be this. Even if you have one or more comorbidity, the chances appear to be exceptionally high, that you’ll not only not die from COVID-19, but that you’ll likely make a more or less complete recovery. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t protect yourself, just that the news surrounding contracting the illness is not particularly bad at this juncture.
The Balance of Wealth – Religion and Politics
So, do you really think taking what the rich have from them, and distributing it to those who have less is a good idea? I hope based on what I’ve said, you’ll change your opinion.
U. S. Immigration Policy – Religion and Politics
In the end, it comes down to this. I don’t believe true immigration reform can be had in this country until and unless we deal with the problem of illegal immigration via border crossings and visa overstays; and I don’t think we can deal humanely and effectively with those problems, at least in some measure, until and unless we can help to bring other parts of the World up to a standard of living that makes coming here far less enticing.
Global Climate Change – Religion and Politics
So to begin with, all reasonable assessments seem to indicate the change in the remainder of the 21st century, will amount to a pretty small shift in temperature. Additional to that, lots of people have been talking about the coming disaster for many years, giving us ten, or twelve, or twenty years until a major crisis unfolded. Many of the admonitions came more than thirty years ago, yet here we are, with no discernible issues to show for all the doom-saying. Still we work to make things better, and continue to hear the claxons rage. Forgive me if I’m not moved to implement immediate, radical agendas to fix a problem I just don’t see being what it’s cracked up to be.