Category: Religion, Politics and Philosophy

  • Lame Duck Session – Religion and Politics

    Lame Duck Session – Religion and Politics

    My main point, though, is this. Calling a person or group lame-duck when an election has yet to occur, or when the balance of power ends up being roughly the same after the election, as before it, is in my view, nothing more than a desperate grab at power the one attempting it, should not…

  • On Propaganda – Religion and Politics

    On Propaganda – Religion and Politics

    So in the long run, people yelling “Propagandist!” may not be something you should totally ignore, but it is something you should be wary of. People doing so likely have a vested interest in your not believing what the supposed purveyor of propaganda is saying—whether it’s valid or not.

  • America the Colonizer – Religion and Politics

    America the Colonizer – Religion and Politics

    When people seek to imply that the United States of America is a colonizing or empire building country in modern times, they really need to take a minute to compare what happened or happens in entities like the former USSR and other such places, to what occurs here. I think they’ll find the contrast to…

  • A Great Place to Live – Religion and Politics

    A Great Place to Live – Religion and Politics

    So you can’t just change the way the country is run at your will. Yes, we have problems against which we’re constantly toiling. That said, there’s no place in the World I’d rather be than this one. You can be assured, based on the sheer number of people trying to get here, and the many…

  • Left and Right – Religion and Politics

    Left and Right – Religion and Politics

    Summing up. I very much doubt the current understanding of a great many terms—particularly in their political application—are anything like universally accepted. In fact, I doubt they could be. This is why one of the things I try to do on a regular basis, is talk about actual positions rather than supposed leanings. Will this…

  • A Propagandist Media – Religion and Politics

    A Propagandist Media – Religion and Politics

    So wrapping up. To begin with, it’s patently obvious to even the casual observer, Chomsky’s assertion that most of the current day (and certainly past) media is under some controlling entity, is correct. It’s typically also easy to see the entities in question are likely corporate in nature, and managed by powerful individuals (read here,…

  • Area of Expertise – Religion and Politics

    Area of Expertise – Religion and Politics

    I’m running a little long, so let me wrap things up. There’re a lot of folks out there, who’re talking well outside their area of expertise on a variety of subjects. COVID-19 just happens to present an excellent example of this. You can continue to listen to voices who should have no reason to expect…

  • Life Doesn’t Stop – Religion and Politics

    Life Doesn’t Stop – Religion and Politics

    So, the question must be asked, “Should the current president nominate a replacement for a Supreme Court Justice no longer able to perform his or her duties in an election year, close to that election?” The answer, it seems to me is, “Unless someone can give strong reasons not to do so, yes.” You may…

  • Chomsky Review Chapter 1 – Religion and Politics

    Chomsky Review Chapter 1 – Religion and Politics

    So summing up, the first chapter of “Understanding Power” is essentially Chomsky laying out his view of how the American government is managed (primarily as an arm of elitists), and how the media is—for the most part—a propaganda machine that likewise, represents the views of that upper crust.

  • First Paid Assignment – Religion and Politics

    First Paid Assignment – Religion and Politics

    In summary, be ready for a small amount of my writing to begin to examine and seek to understand Noam Chomsky’s, “Understanding Power, The Indispensable Chomsky.” I urge you to take a look, and if you decide it’s not something you care to read about, continue to read other work I put out there, and…