Category: Religion, Politics and Philosophy

  • Character – Religion and Politics

    Character – Religion and Politics

    So, you may not have seen in past, the value in being a person of character. That considered, I hope today, you’ll decide to become such, if it’s not something you already count yourself. Some traits never go out of style. Character is definitely among those that will ever be

  • Loyalty and Sacrifice – Religion and Politics

    Loyalty and Sacrifice – Religion and Politics

    The point is simple. Please make it your business, to look at relationships that ought to be for the long haul, as exactly that. Further, be ready, for you can be virtually assured hard times will be part and parcel of such unions.

  • Gun Control Laws – Religion and Politics

    Gun Control Laws – Religion and Politics

    What all of this means is—laws being for the lawless—placing more restrictions on law-abiding citizens is highly unlikely to cause a reduction in crime—that includes the murder of innocents. In fact, you should be somewhat surprised if doing things like creating gun-free zones, doesn’t increase the rate of infraction in those places. Like it or…

  • Rights and Discretion – Religion and Politics

    Rights and Discretion – Religion and Politics

    You have rights, that’s sure. You may act in them as you desire. Is it always good so to do? Not nearly so! Just because one can claim a given liberty, doesn’t mean one ought always do so. I’m not saying one can’t do so (recognizing potential for retribution of one sort or another), just…

  • More on COVID-19 and Comorbidities – Religion and Politics

    More on COVID-19 and Comorbidities – Religion and Politics

    The point of this article was intended to be this. Even if you have one or more comorbidity, the chances appear to be exceptionally high, that you’ll not only not die from COVID-19, but that you’ll likely make a more or less complete recovery. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t protect yourself, just that the news…

  • The Balance of Wealth – Religion and Politics

    The Balance of Wealth – Religion and Politics

    So, do you really think taking what the rich have from them, and distributing it to those who have less is a good idea? I hope based on what I’ve said, you’ll change your opinion.

  • Thick Skin – Religion and Politics

    Thick Skin – Religion and Politics

    The point of all I’ve expressed to this juncture, is that there’s a lot to be said for being thick skinned, and not much to be said, when that layer is a thin one. That’s why I consider it so important to teach him the “skill” of dealing with annoying, or even obnoxious individuals around…

  • U. S. Immigration Policy – Religion and Politics

    U. S. Immigration Policy – Religion and Politics

    In the end, it comes down to this. I don’t believe true immigration reform can be had in this country until and unless we deal with the problem of illegal immigration via border crossings and visa overstays; and I don’t think we can deal humanely and effectively with those problems, at least in some measure,…

  • Global Climate Change – Religion and Politics

    Global Climate Change – Religion and Politics

    So to begin with, all reasonable assessments seem to indicate the change in the remainder of the 21st century, will amount to a pretty small shift in temperature. Additional to that, lots of people have been talking about the coming disaster for many years, giving us ten, or twelve, or twenty years until a major…

  • Paying Taxes – Religion and Politics

    Paying Taxes – Religion and Politics

    So, if you wonder why somebody seen to be financially well off, may show basically no income tax when you’re able to get a glimpse of their IRS documentation, you can be sure the reasons may be many. And no, they’re not by any means all indicative of “bad action.”