Border Security and Racism – Religion and Politics
To begin with, I should say that anyone who knows me at all well, is pretty much aware that I don’t believe in racism. I don’t want to get off into the details of that in this article. Suffice it to say that, where I believe folks do horrible things “in the name of” racism,…
Media Objectivity – Religion and Politics
As a young man—fairly, as an older child and into my years of young manhood—I was among those who believed a commonly held fabrication. To wit, I believed that the media was an entity that reported the facts (I use the term “entity” loosely). I believed, as do so many still today, that some part…
Space, the Final Frontier – Religion and Politics
Perhaps one of the funnier things I have seen recently, is the assertion that man will find his or her way into space and that this will help to solve various problems that exist here on our home planet. I wanted to take just a moment to address why such an idea is not particularly…
Left and Right are not Ends – Christianity and Politics
Anybody who has spent very much time reading my writings might well be convinced that I am a “political animal.” Let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. My “interest” in politics is not born out of my tendency towards things political in and of themselves. Rather, I could be considered…
Taking and Giving – Christianity and Politics
There is a subject—a rather broad one to be sure—to which I find myself being drawn back on a regular basis. As with most such things, I see something—a comment, a “status post,” an essay, a video clip or some other such thing—that serves to act as impetus or catalyst (or both) to my chosen…
Helping the Needy
One of the saddest realities of the modern day, is the strong difference of opinion on a variety of fronts, between people who are “intended to be” united. An example of this comes to mind, in the form of a “reply” to a comment I made on a post on social media that was intended…
Media Bias
I want to take a moment and play a little “game.” You can consider this game a sort of “role playing, make believe” game. I want you to imagine you are an everyday person, and that you go in search of a car to purchase. You begin your search in good faith, assuming that people…
Lives Matter
Final word? Let us work to improve our investigation and consideration of events where precious life is lost. Let us strive—even where emotion gets the better of us—to refuse to find others “guilty” before such investigation occurs.
I will be the first to acknowledge that people—whether in cohesive groupings or not, and some of them even fundamentally good in nature—have done things that have inflicted various levels of harm on others on the basis of at least questionable, if not outright errant accusations and suppositions. I’ll certainly agree that, most particularly the…