Social Safety Net – Religion and Politics
You may think government programs are generally pretty decent, that’s not been my experience. Even now, I’ve been waiting for a decision on my local unemployment insurance for the past six weeks. I’ve been off work (and looking desperately for more), for three months. Part of the delay was my fault, the rest is on…
Lock Step – Religion and Politics
You may say the government deals reasonably with those trying to work with it. I tell you that, I paid into this system, and cannot take out of it, even after fighting to get them to acknowledge me at all. You’ll forgive me if I see government as a set of lock-step, horribly inefficient entities…
Covert Authority – Religion and Politics
In the end, the point is, if you don’t take the time to see what’s happening, if you continue to cede your rights to “government agencies here to help,” you shouldn’t be surprised when the result is not what you expected. Whether you like it or not, when some folks taste power, their response may…
Fact Check – Religion and Politics
The point here is this. If you own or run a social media company, please don’t assume I want you to act as my nanny, and validate the correctness of what’s put out on your site. I can do that work acceptably well all on my own. Thanks for your attention.
And Justice for All – Religion and Politics
The point is, in this tale and many others currently in the news and on social media, the facts one initially hears, often look nothing like the final story that comes out. Investigations typically follow such occurrences. Sometimes they prove the person killed was innocent of any wrongdoing. Largely though, that’s not at all the…
COVID-19 – Yet More on Masks – Religion and Politics
You need to understand, if you honestly believe that face coverings are a great solution for keeping various kinds of infections from spreading, I strongly urge you to look at how those around you are acting when they wear them. Maybe you’ll experience greater care than I’ve been prone to see. I doubt it.
Fixing Congress – Religion and Politics
The solution to stopping official corruption is not simple, or one-size-fits all. That being said, one of the most reasonable answers may seem entirely counter-intuitive. Those putting the person in their position must choose people of character—folks who are generally immune to the corrupting influence of those who would peddle it to them. In short,…
This Location Permanently Closed – Religion and Politics
Businesses should always remember, they serve at the pleasure of those willing to frequent their establishments. If you continually do things that run those people off, count on falling by the wayside. Heck, there’re times when you don’t even have to do that. A local branch of an at least interstate doughnut shop, went under…
Bending the Knee – Religion and Politics
It may be the mantra of many politicians to shift their tack based on the direction of the school of fish with which they swim. For me though, moving with the herd is not what keeps me oriented. Rather I seek to work to maintain an internal integrity that consistently improves. If you’ve spent your…