Sex Trafficking Versus Sexual Abuse – Religion And Politics
So remember, those working to end human trafficking aren’t belittling or disparaging those seeking to end domestic abuse or sexual abuse. I don’t expect those trying to stop domestic or sexual abuse are doing likewise when it comes to human trafficking. A person has only so much capacity, he or she must spend his or…
LinkedIn And Politics – Religion and Politics
Do politics belong on LinkedIn and other social media? I contend they do. As with any subject though, the discussion of things in that strata should be respectful and civil. If you cannot manage that, perhaps you shouldn’t voice your opinion.
What is Communism – Religion And Politics
If you want honesty, the real answer to the title of this piece can be summed up in an idea, “A form of society unattainable due to human nature.” The problem is, people look or are pointed to, the theory and it sounds like a reasonable, desirable proposition. Please, take the time to see how…
The How’s Important – Religion and Politics
Here’s the point of this piece though. One of the absolute most important abilities you’ll ever acquire is that of getting some message across to others without boring them to tears or leaving them bewildered as to what you had in mind to purvey. If you can manage that, many other parts of life will…
Reasonable Force – Religion and Politics
In your official capacity, you may think it unreasonable to deploy force against rioters and looters. If reasonable force is used though, you might very literally save lives. Nobody’s asking you to shoot rioters and looters on sight even though they’re in breach of law. People just want you to employ reasonable force. If it’s…
Opposing Views – Religion and Politics
In the end, the point of this little piece is to indicate that disagreement and argument are not inherently evil or problematic things. They can even be considered necessary ones. Evolution of ideas, even for a single individual is largely predicated on one’s ability to have contentious discourse with others. Arguing that this is some…
The Cost of Mayhem – Religion and Politics
If you think you’re doing anybody a favor by rioting, looting and, destruction, you’re not just lying to yourself, you’re harming people about whom you claim to care in the process. To say nothing of others you’ve never even met, who might seek to be sympathetic to your plight, were it not for your untoward…
Stepping Away – Religion And Politics
So, maybe it’s not the total ticket to success when dealing with complex issues. Maybe others can function unerringly without needing to step out, but for me it’s been an invaluable tool in my toolbox. If you find issues at work or in your personal life are leaving you drained and feeling like a failure…
Undue Violence – Religion and Politics
Perhaps you think you’ll change the world through rash, violent action. The truth is, you can’t help but change some part of it. That doesn’t mean the alterations will be for the better. When you maim and kill as a result of trying to bring about some difference or other though, you can count on…