Misused Statistics – Religion and Politics
My final word is this. Please, please, I beg you, be very careful when presenting data given to you by others. Not taking the time to confirm what you see and hear, is likely one of the leading causes of muddied waters, surrounding things like understanding which health conditions are the most impactful. Take the…
Snob – Religion and Politics
My final message in this piece is this. Just because someone looks unapproachable, doesn’t mean the person is who you assume them to be. That individual looks snobbish or uppity? Talk to them and find out whether or not that’s true, before making your judgment. You may be surprised at who lives in that flesh…
COVID-19 Vindication – Religion and Politics
My final thought is this though. You can think what you want, in my way of looking at things, all said to this point, adds up to just one word. I used it at the beginning of this little writing. That word is, vindication. Like it or not, although we may have overdone things, we…
Self Sacrifice in Practice – Religion and Politics
I hope this little article, has helped you to understand what I mean when I talk about self sacrifice. Obviously, there are substantially more extreme examples as well.
Winning and Losing – Religion and Politics
Remember this, though. Healthy competition is a good thing. Responding badly to winning or losing? Not so much. If you’re a Christian, you need to work on giving things to God, and reacting humbly when you win, or succeed. If you’re not, you probably ought to work to root out frustrations, and learn how to…
Counting Ballots – Religion and Politics
As a country, we’re better than this. Having the counting of national elective ballots, be such a haphazard process, fraught with irregularities, is not something a nation like the United States, should consider normal or proper. We can do better! We must do better, going forward.
The Administrative State – Religion and Politics
You may not have a problem with a constantly growing and expanding group of bureaucrats, implementing requirements at ever lower levels, from on high. As for me, you can rest assured I consider such things, a major concern. Perhaps it’s already too late to do anything about them. By the time many conclude they’re problematic,…
Christianity and Borders – Religion and Politics
So does Christianity support the idea of borders? Not only does it do so, but in some measure, it exists for the believer, on their construction, at least in a spiritual and conceptual sense. Does it eschew the idea of state or national borders? Not in any way I’m able to see. I’m always open…
A Sign of the Times – Religion and Politics
My message? We must begin to bring people and requirements, back into the education of our youth, that allow them to see where we are, and contrast that against where should be. This must happen in homes, social gatherings, and schools to be particularly effective. The time to begin that process is now. The road…