YouTube Obama Mocking God and the Bible Speech on Religion – YouTube
What’s wrong with this video? Well, there are multiple things, let’s see if we can come up with some of them: Mr Obama appears to be unfamiliar with his Bible. He is—by way of example—unfamiliar with the idea of Old Testament versus New Testament. Funny that the majority of his quotes are Old Testament, and that…
The Truth About Semi-Auto Firearms
I found this video to be extremely instructive the first time I watched it. Well worth the watch
Favorite Video: What is America’s True Form of Government? – YouTube
This is one of my favorite videos for explaining government in general. It comes from a longer video that I will probably find and post as well at some point. Is it 100% accurate? Not in my view, but it’s one of the best I have seen to this point.
On the Concept of Disenfranchisement
As I was taking my weekday morning walk/run yesterday morning, I started to consider the idea often expressed as “disenfranchisement.” My consideration led me to some conclusions: You may have noticed that one of the fairly popular business models out there, is called the franchise. It is no mistake that this word is used here,…