Are Republics Inherently Good? – Religion and Poltics
In a relatively recent article, I wrote about Socialism. At least one person who read that article, took me to be saying—as far as I am able to tell—“Socialism is never a good thing.” My actual intent was to say that, “Government is Socialist by nature. All government activities should be limited to more or…
What am I Owed and by Whom – Religion and Politics
I can’t remember when the seemingly trite expression became real to me. I think it was probably in the last ten years, but it may’ve been longer ago than that. The essence of the expression is, “Life is one gigantic lesson—or a litany thereof—to be learned.” The point here, is it that all other things…
The Past Belongs There – Religion and Politics
Sometimes you can just hear the complaints coming! You do your best to “nip them in the bud,” but people will invariably take what you’re trying to say the wrong way. The result is, I end up adding “disclaimers” of one sort or another to just about everything I write. This little piece will be…
How Many Rutabagas for that House? About Currency – Religion and Politics
Rutabagas! Life blood of planet Earth! Okay, you’re permitted to disagree. Nonetheless, rutabagas are a “marketable commodity.” They can be bought, they can be sold, they can be traded. Imagine for just a second, that you’re a rutabaga farmer. You’re moderately successful in your “work.” Put another way, you get rutabagas to grow, to flourish…
On Racism, the Reality and the Fallacy – Religion and Politics
It is customary for me to add a “disclaimer” to any and all articles I do on the subject of “racism.” It looks something like this: “I don’t believe in racism, because I don’t believe in race. Race is generally an arbitrary, non-scientific construct of convenience. Humans are all of the same species, regardless their…
What is Socialism? – Religion and Politics
I believe that one of the things that makes it so very hard to “nail down” a definition for Socialism, is that folks—myself included—have a tendency to view various terms through their “personal lens.” Put simply, people allow their experiences and the words of others, to “color” their view of particular words or expressions. This…
But Should I Post This On Facebook – Religion and Politics
Matthew 15 10 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: 11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this…
Taxes the Short and Long—Religion and Politics
Tax season is another time when age and experience rears its sometimes-ugly head. Though I’m not a person who fears doing my yearly income taxes, I am a person who knows it will not be the type of event it was when I was a much younger, generally not nearly as well paid individual as…
More On Immigration Policy – Religion and Politics
I supposed it’s absolutely possible, that there are people out there who have no inkling of current events. As such, the folks in question would be entirely unaware of questions of United States border security and immigration policy and law. That being said, I believe the majority of folks in the U.S. are aware of…
Things Are Not People – Religion And Politics
You would think the title of this article would be sufficient to “snap a bunch of folks out of” a behavior I have noticed appears to be becoming more and more prevalent over the course of time. That behavior is to treat things as if they were people. I can understand when people ascribe the…