Category: For LinkedIn

  • Self Sacrifice – Religion and Politics

    Self Sacrifice – Religion and Politics

    The way I view things—and have done for quite some time—unlike self defense, self sacrifice is something that I should expect to have as a part of my life on an ongoing basis. That may seem like an odd thing to say, if you have a different belief set than do I, but it’s where…

  • Self Defense – Religion and Politics

    Self Defense – Religion and Politics

    So asking the question, “Is self defense a reasonable course of action for a law enforcement agent?” where the answer is dependent on circumstances, results in a definite, “Yes!” where I’m concerned. You may think that’s unreasonable, for my part I cannot agree with you if you do.

  • Nationalism – Religion and Politics

    Nationalism – Religion and Politics

    You have the right to look at and even practice nationalism as you choose. For me, it means being a part of a group greater than myself, with aspirations for a better future, first for ourselves, and finally, to those outside our borders. I hope this clarifies the position of what I imagine is a…

  • Overreaction – Religion and Politics

    Overreaction – Religion and Politics

    I’m not saying you should necessarily “count to ten” before you take action (as maybe your mother or father told you was wisdom). Then again, I’m not saying it’s a bad plan either. One way or another, we must seek to ensure we don’t make matters worse than they are already, by overreacting to that…

  • Civil Obedience – Religion and Politics

    Civil Obedience – Religion and Politics

    So you may believe adhering to societally normative standards is some sort of waste of time, but in reality, that’s what makes it easier to live in our little communities. If you honestly think the extra two minutes or less, or other meager benefit you get from most acts of civil disobedience is worth it,…

  • Civil Disobedience – Religion and Politics

    Civil Disobedience – Religion and Politics

    I’m not arguing that civil disobedience should be a way of life. Most of the time, one ought just to accept what’s expected, act accordingly, and move on. At times though, not choosing the course that may cause you to be seen as flouting societal mandates may be more than reasonable, it may be more…

  • Conservatism Versus Progressivism – Religion and Politics

    Concluding, I get that there are essentially three types of people, those who are conservative, those who are progressive, and those who don’t fall neatly in either camp. My assumption being that the third group is not a large one. The conservatives are largely motivated by a desire to keep things as they are, making…

  • The Perfect Government – Religion and Politics

    So again, if you ask the question, “What does the perfect government look like?” the simple answer is, “I don’t believe there can be a perfect government, any more than there’s a perfect man now on Earth. As such, it doesn’t look like much of anything.” That doesn’t mean we stop striving towards the best…

  • Did You Suspect? – Religion and Politics

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that many of the people protesting are not those the movement says it’s in support of. That to me, is a very telling fact.

  • Humor – Religion and Politics

    If you think that expressing things in humor should absolve you from inspection, I would urge you to change your consideration in that regard. The fact is, humor—as with poetry, and other forms of art—can be extremely effective vessels for the transmission of meaning from one to another, or potentially even to large numbers of…