Category: Business

  • Victimhood – Religion and Politics

    I cannot know your life. I cannot feel your struggles, your hardships, your difficulties, your pain. Even so, I can tell you that, those things aside, you can be a victor, and hopefully to a greater degree than you are or ever were a victim. Being brave, acting when you feel you’ve no will to…

  • The Problem With Activism – Religion and Politics

    We come to realize that a good deal of life is “playing various roles.” As such, we understand that we must act in certain ways and speak in particular fashions, when we deal with others. It should be well understood that what we do and say are not necessarily indicative of what’s going on in…

  • Pandemic! – Religion And Politics

    “PANDEMIC!” It sounds so scary, but in reality, the danger presented by a pandemic cannot be measured by looking strictly at the numbers of affected individuals. Rather, you must consider the results. Are people being badly affected? How, and to what extent?

  • Why Write Laws? – Religion and Politics

    How do you make good, decent people? It starts early, and preferably at home, but it extends to all of us. When you present a role model, and help young folks to understand how important it is to be good, honorable, helpful, useful folks, you’re helping to make the difference.

  • Government as Competition – Religion and Politics

    By way of quick example. Running a daycare in the place I live, more or less requires you avail yourself of USDA supplied food. Why? If you don’t you must buy sustenance, and pass the cost on to parents and guardians. The result? The USDA “owns that market.” Among other things this means, it mandates…

  • Rioters Versus Vigilantes – Religion and Politics

    You may equate rioting and vigilantism, I disagree. Even if you do, where I don’t agree, both are wrong in any case. Fact is though, rioting tends to be the “worst of all worlds” because of its fairly consistent bad effect on unrelated people and property.

  • Ambassador Versus Employee – Religion and Politics

    You may not think you have that kind of power; to lose business for your employer, or cause the entity to thrive. Let me assure you, you do; your choices may mean the difference between having a place to go to work every day (wonderful or not), and watching a business’ doors close, never to…

  • The Impossible Dream, Part II? – Religion and Politics

    The result is, there are any number of young people (and probably far too many older ones) who are prone to believe things that are entirely untrue. This then, is the “first battle.” To bring people to an understanding of the falsehood with which that have been plied, in order to rid them of notions…

  • Spirit Versus Letter – Religion and Politics

    What do I conclude? The mask ordinance is a near total failure. This doesn’t surprise me in the least. More Importantly? Most folks care only about the letter of the law, not the spirit of it as such, a rule like that cannot help but fail.

  • Emotion and Fact – Religion and Politics

    The first thing one must do if he or she wishes to take control of his or her life and mind, is to cease the assumption that others will be forthright. Too many people have “axes to grind” and grind them they will. Stop hearing what people say (even people you think you can respect…