Category: Business

  • Asking the Right Questions – Religion and Politics

    Do you feel like you’re always making the wrong choices? Does it seem like you regularly miss critical things? How many times a day do you say, “I wish I had done this or that.”? Perhaps it’s time to start stepping back a pace or two and asking the right questions. I know that’s often…

  • Ending X – Religion and Politics

    That said, I want to make it plain. Bad things will happen. You can try to stop them through a variety of mechanisms—in fact, I recommend you try to do so—but you’ll never see them entirely cease. Keep up the work of bringing to a minimum those bad things wherever possible. Realize though that the…

  • The Adult in the Room – Religion and Politics

    Sometimes we realize too late something is problematic. Occasionally, someone gets seriously injured, or even dies. It’s terrible and unfortunate when that’s the case, but like it or not that’s life. Don’t get me wrong, you obviously want to avoid such things occurring. The final point here though is, we must be adults; we need…

  • Law and a Living Wage – Religion and Politics

    You may think the idea of a government mandated minimum or living wage is reasonable. As for me, I don’t. You can see from what I’ve said in this article why that’s the case. Do you have ideas to make things “better?” I’d be willing to hear them. Keep in mind though, I’ve heard more…

  • Police Reform – Religion and Politics

    Can various law enforcement entities change the way they operate, and do so for the better? They not only like can, but are daily in the process of doing so without anybody pushing for that from outside their ranks. Will reducing their funding aid that process? Would you expect doing that to work if you…

  • Income Inequality – Religion and Politics

    The basic point of this little writing is, the argument ought not to be “defunding the rich.” It ought rather to be, making sure that Americans are able to get jobs or find ways to make a living, that give them enough income to be happy with their lot.

  • Consequences – Religion and Politics

    Did your parents ever say to you, “Make good choices!”? You should understand how wise a thing this was for them to utter, considering its simplicity. The result may not always be good, but most of the time, you can bet it will be. As stated, the converse is also true. Make bad choices, and…

  • Black Supremacy – Religion and Politics

    That being said, if you think because a bunch of black folks are successful in a variety of ways in which I would love to excel myself, I’m going to cry, “Black Supremacy!” You can rest easy. That’s not going to happen.

  • COVID-19, School and Autism – Religion and Politics

    The point of all I’ve said up to now is simple. If you think school is worthless, or even unimportant, consider what it does for both parents and children that would be substantially more difficult if the schools ceased to exist, or even attempted to move to an online only format. If that’s not a…

  • Character Assassination – Religion and Politics

    Final thought? To know how to respond to me, you must know who I am (not who I was). From there, you can take what I say “in context with” the person you believe me to be. In doing that, you can decide whether what I support has merit. Pretty much any other approach of…