There are very few things in this world that ought to inspire confidence, beyond much of any other thing.
For Christians, the existence of God, and Jesus as a “part of” that God, is one.
Though it shouldn’t be nearly as confidence-inspiring, one thing I believe a lot of folks in the United States want to be sure of, is the process of voting—most particularly where doing so, is related to the selection of new national leadership.
At the present moment, there are more than a few people, who I don’t believe, count that process to be nearly as strong in its ability to make them secure, as it ought to.
Those people look at a number of factors, and really begin to question the integrity, of the activity concerned.
To begin with, they consider the idea that, though we’ve been “suffering the ravages of” the COVID-19 virus, elections should be relatively unaffected. I would give my personal opinion on that ailment, but I certainly haven’t the space to do so, and still say what I want to in this article.
What I will make it a point to indicate is, that given it’s been known that the illness has been present since before the 1st of February of this year, there ought to have been ample time to prepare, to have necessary changes to elective processes in place, so as to make the counting of those votes possible, prior to or on, the day following the election.
As was obvious by what did happen, and frankly is happening, that’s not how things worked. It’s plain to see, the enumeration of ballots, continued well into Friday the 7th—four days after the last vote was ostensibly cast—and may have still been going on, past that point.
It’s at this juncture, another consideration rears its head. It can be summed up in a pretty simple question, “Were election forms counted, that came in after polling had closed?” If that was true, such a thing happening, by no means bodes well for those seeking fairness in the process.
Part of the problem with this, can be seen in the idea, that mail in-ballots, which were received after the cutoff, might well have made their way into the count.
This is particularly possible, considering the number of-mail in ballots, that were not requested by the people receiving them.
Further, it’s true in my mind that, since most if not all such ballots, should’ve come through the U. S. Postal Service, there should have been a requirement, indicating they ought to have been postmarked. That’s true whether or not their postage was prepaid.
Additionally, it should have been codified into law, that people improperly postmarking ballots received on or after the time they had to be mailed, should expect to suffer grave penalties, for doing so.
As well, there are numerous cases on record, of people receiving election materials (read here, “balloting information”) for folks who either no long lived where they were sent, or were even no longer alive.
Again, you can be sure a good many people were more than a little disconcerted, by such tales.
On top of this, were issues surrounding the idea that people who wished to monitor election tabulation, were potentially denied access. There were also issues with polling places, making it so windows were covered.
Whatever you may think about that, it’s an important part of the process, to allow election watchers to do their part.
If you choose to say, there were already too many people doing that task, that’s fine. That said, if one party or the other was excessively represented, it seems to me you have two pretty obvious choices.
You can either ask those who are more than should be there to leave, or you can allow the same number to participate, coming from the other side.
If you fail to take one or the other action, you can count on issues ensuing.
Though I recognize there are rules with regard to who can, and who cannot observe election tallying, I also believe that, so long as folks are reasonable in their requests to do so, they ought to be allowed that right.
One can certainly attempt to make the case, for instances in which poll-watching shouldn’t be allowed. For my part though, that’s not something I have an easy time imagining. Perhaps there’s some scenario with which I’m not familiar, but I have strong doubts that should make a difference, to the vast majority of tabulation that occurs.
You can imagine all of these things together, working to sow disquiet in the minds and hearts of a great many folks.
Add to this, the idea that the election for president this time around was very charged and extremely divisive, and you have a recipe for impending disaster.
Because of the apparent outcome, it’s my viewpoint that the idea of rioting in the streets or similar activity is unlikely.
Counter to what many have said, there’s been little unrest on the part of right-leaning individuals—even those who’re counted as activists—that could be considered anything but peaceful protest.
That’s sadly anything but true, for many on the left; whether you count such activities reasonable or not, is beside the point.
Even so, I can envision ongoing protests. Additionally, considering the lack of confidence many feel, you can imagine the legal challenges, will continue to come, for some time.
None of this is remotely surprising. Nor frankly, would I have expected any different reaction, on the part of those on the other side of the aisle, were the same shoe placed on their foot. The only difference I would’ve expected, is more violence, probable rioting, and potential looting.
As a country, we’re better than this. Having the counting of national elective ballots, be such a haphazard process, fraught with irregularities, is not something a nation like the United States, should consider normal or proper. We can do better! We must do better, going forward.
Thanks for reading, and may your time be good.