Who were you? Who are you? Who will you be? — Religion and Politics

There are subjects one would assume are “done to death.” And maybe that’s a fair statement for the one I’m intending to address with this post. That having been said, I also firmly believe there are things that cannot be said too often. Further, there are differences in presentation that may cause a given point or perspective to be “driven home to” those for whom it may not yet have affected as it ought. It’s my hope that this presentation will contain such differences.

Having dispensed with what amounts to a “traditional disclaimer,” allow me to address that about which this article was intended to speak.

Were I to look into my past, I would see an individual who was entrusted with information not by any means readily available to “mere mortals.” That may be a bit of an overstatement, but the reality is, I was one with a security clearance that allowed me to see things that were certainly not “available for public consumption.” I can tell you with assurance, that some of the things I learned in that position are to this day not matters of common knowledge.

Having said that, the question you might ask me today is, “So what?” Your question would be entirely valid. Though my past seems to have been an exciting and interesting one (to some at least), it is my past.

To be sure, I am responsible for my past. As well, I am in a position wherein I am expected to refuse to release information gleaned from my time in it. This “duty” I discharge to the best of my ability.

Even so though, this time in my life is no more. To be clear, this is not something about which I’m sad. It was interesting, it was exciting, but it is the past.

Piecing all together, this means that I shouldn’t by any means be living in that which was. It’s done. It’s over. That’s that.

Having examined the basic import of those things past, let me take just a moment to address things yet to be.

There is little in many senses more important, but less certain than the future. It is hoped that the future will be a good time for each of us. It is desirable that we can and will, be at least helpers to a bright tomorrow. Though this is true, we can never say with certainty that this is how things will conclude.

There are so very many variables in what might be, that even if we do our level best to make the time to come the most wonderful it can possibly be, we may find that it’s nothing like what we desired at its coming.

This can be a good thing or a bad one. Stated in the most basic fashion, our futures can either far outstrip that which we thought would be the best possible, or end up being entirely horrible in nature.

It’s fair to say that the future is not clear and that it’s far from known or given.

Even so, it should be our intent to make the future most wonderful time possible.

This brings us to the final consideration. That consideration would be, “Who are you?”

We cannot say with certainty what the future will hold, nor can we say entirely, what the present has for us. Clues to both can be found in “what has been.” The past my help us to be informed into the things that are or may yet come.

In some instances, we can look at what was with an understanding that our future is likely to look as did the past. In others, we may decide that the past was not what we would like to see as we move ahead and act in ways we hope will change the future such that it doesn’t resemble the past.

The most important part of this little work, is that the place where the future may be forged, right here in the present. That’s not—again—to say that we’re totally in control of that which will happen, even in the present. But we can work to react to that which we do not control in ways that we believe will result in a better future.

To be fair, the results of our interactions may not be positive, our best intentions aside. It is even possible that “bad behavior” or improper actions on our part, may result in the best ends. Even so, it’s far more likely that proper, reasonable responses on our part, will result in a better, brighter future.

The one thing that we can say with certainty though, is that the present is the time in which the future can be changed and the past can be rectified or preserved.

I’m by no means trying to indicate that the process of making the right decisions—-of taking the best actions—-is a simple one. While that’s the case, if we don’t even try though, we have no hope or assurance that the future will be in any regard steered by us (at least, not in any way other than inaction or uncertainty on our part).

There are those who would argue that it’s preferable to not affect the future through our actions and risk doing so in a negative way, than to forge ahead, and manage to do so in a positive one. It’s certainly the right of folks to choose that course. As for me, I believe I have ideas that are worthy of consideration and more, enaction as time moves forward.

If you cannot say the same, I suggest to you that you should seek to change, for in the best case you will affect the future positively either by accident or inaction.

For my part. I have every desire to impact that which is to be through positive, reasonable, constructive means. I may well fail, but it shan’t be for want of trying.

The two takeaways here are:

  1. The past is gone, the future uncertain, the present is here, all actions and intents will be in it. Act accordingly.
  2. How the future looks will be somewhat dependent  on what you do, say and think today, preferably through the “lens of” the past.

Thanks for your attention, and may your time be good.

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