Blaming the Victim – Religion and Politics
The long and short of this is, we need to stop blaming the victims of various forms of malevolent activity, rather than the one doing the harm. I get that things the wronged one may have done and said might’ve contributed to or more correctly, detracted from the situation, but that’s not a reason to…
Inhumanity – Religion and Politics
Do you disagree with someone or someones? That’s totally fine. Does that make it reasonable to attack their person, to treat them in manners you wouldn’t appreciate, were you in their shoes? I submit that it doesn’t. Kindness is largely without cost. If you’re not working to be kind and nice as a rule, perhaps…
The Meltdown – Autism
If your child is Mildly Autistic, you may forget that’s the case as he or she matures. If they’re not a mild case, that’s less likely to be so. Even for more severe cases (and I’m speaking mostly of what’s categorized as moderate, not those dealing with Severe Autism, where the realization is almost certain),…
The Adult in the Room – Religion and Politics
Sometimes we realize too late something is problematic. Occasionally, someone gets seriously injured, or even dies. It’s terrible and unfortunate when that’s the case, but like it or not that’s life. Don’t get me wrong, you obviously want to avoid such things occurring. The final point here though is, we must be adults; we need…
Truth and Opinion – Religion and Politics
The final point I’d like to make is, where I take pains here to say I’m sorry for causing others heartache, I flatly refuse to apologize for airing my opinions with the express intent of hearing agreement and opposing views. Discourse makes it possible for me and others to both experiment in, and more importantly,…
COVID-19, School and Autism – Religion and Politics
The point of all I’ve said up to now is simple. If you think school is worthless, or even unimportant, consider what it does for both parents and children that would be substantially more difficult if the schools ceased to exist, or even attempted to move to an online only format. If that’s not a…
The Impossible Dream, Part II? – Religion and Politics
The result is, there are any number of young people (and probably far too many older ones) who are prone to believe things that are entirely untrue. This then, is the “first battle.” To bring people to an understanding of the falsehood with which that have been plied, in order to rid them of notions…
The Impossible Dream – Autism
I spent weeks trying to convince my son that talking dogs (read here, “the like of Scooby-Doo”) are not real. I still think he comes back to the belief they’re actually a thing. Such is my life, and his. My time is at an end where this article is concerned. I just wanted to give…
Parenting Versus Every Other Relationship – Religion and Politics
I can’t imagine being a parent and not appreciating everyone who is truly helpful in my task of parenthood. That’s truer as a result of having a moderately Autistic seven year old than it even was for my other children. The truth is, that my other children didn’t need nearly as much “stuff” (physical, mental,…
I Say Your Kid May Be Austic? Be Happy – Autism
Can you imagine being happy to have someone tell you your child may be Autistic? If you hear that from me, chances are, you ought to be happy! Why? Before I answer that question, allow me to tell those who don’t know me a little bit about myself. Firstly, you should know that I’ve been…