Category: Religion

  • On Race

    One of the most important things I need to do in life is also one of the things I least like doing. I’m getting better at doing it, I think, both in accepting the need for it, and being willing to allow for it to happen. What is that thing? It is the willingness to […]

  • On the Concept of Wage Slavery

    Having recently heard the term “wage slavery” used by someone on social media—who said it and on what social media is pretty much beside the point—I came to the conclusion I had to write an article on the subject. The more I considered the concept, the more I realized that it was a sort of […]

  • On Equality

    One reality of life is that generalization is a necessity. If we cannot compare two things and talk about how they are alike and different, it becomes more than a little difficult to learn “new” things. That having been said, an important realization is that, while two things may have similarities that make it possible […]

  • Choice, Where the Rubber Meets the Road

    It turns out that some of the most difficult things to discuss are the most worthwhile. Sometimes that’s because of the complexity involved, sometimes not. On the present subject, in truth, though there appears to be the result of a high level of complexity, I don’t believe there really is a great deal of difficulty […]

  • On Disability

    It strikes me as highly unlikely that the average human being having done much of anything in his or her life has not experienced the “agony of defeat.” As I said in another post on this site, it is often (if not always) true that the most celebrated and, well, successful people, have also been […]

  • On Celebration

    It’s been years since I celebrated most of the things the average person considers worth their time and effort. Oh, I wish folks a happy birthday, and congratulate them on new jobs, the birth of babies and things of that sort. On the other hand, I don’t do things like, really celebrate Hallowe’en, Christmas or […]

  • My Own of Course — Whose Ideas Do You Support?

    I have to be entirely honest, I have zero idea how much of the time I sound big headed, conceited, whatever you choose to call it. It’s not so much that I don’t care, as that: I’m pretty well convinced that people will assume you’re conceited for nothing more than that you disagree with their […]

  • The Result of Riots

    Here’s the reality. Someone did something bad or wrong, you’re upset (maybe irate). That is understandable. Let’s look at how one responds though. Allow me to present a simple scenario. Your daughter fails a critical test, how do you respond? Do you deal with your daughter, or do you spank and ground some kid you […]

  • On Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Human Life

    In my previous article, I took the time to dispel some myths about the sanctity of human life and how Conservatives are wont to see it. I consider that to have been important to do, but not as important as what I feel the need to address in this article. Though the prior article made […]

  • On Conservatism and the Sanctity of Human Life

    In many senses, perhaps one of the WORST places from which to garner information is Facebook. There are worse, you could choose to gather information from Twitter. High on the list as well, would be mainstream “news” outlets. The reasons for Facebook and definitely for Twitter make them much worse even than the mainstream media […]