Category: Religion, Politics and Philosophy

  • Wearing Masks – Religion and Politics

    Nobody in his or her right mind made the argument that the disease would cease to be as a result of the measures in place. That’s not just true for COVID-19. Like it or not, the reason ‘flu shots have any efficacy at all—and I should say it’s pretty questionable they’re anything but hit-or-miss, but…

  • Bad Information – Religion And Politics

    Bad Information – Religion And Politics

    I understand the police do wrong. I’m not trying to cast them as infallible. Even though that’s true though, continuing to argue things like systemic racism and massive law enforcement corruption based on a few cases that don’t tend to end as originally advertised is neither helpful, nor more importantly, correct. Please don’t perpetuate bad…

  • Asking the Right Questions – Religion and Politics

    Do you feel like you’re always making the wrong choices? Does it seem like you regularly miss critical things? How many times a day do you say, “I wish I had done this or that.”? Perhaps it’s time to start stepping back a pace or two and asking the right questions. I know that’s often…

  • Ending X – Religion and Politics

    That said, I want to make it plain. Bad things will happen. You can try to stop them through a variety of mechanisms—in fact, I recommend you try to do so—but you’ll never see them entirely cease. Keep up the work of bringing to a minimum those bad things wherever possible. Realize though that the…

  • Why Socialism and Communism Fail – Religion And Politics

    Put another way, most folks would rather go to work for someone or someones else, collect a paycheck, and walk way clean at the end of the day. There may be a dream of owning an endeavor, but most are really not inclined to make that happen—even when you make it a comparatively easy thing…

  • The Adult in the Room – Religion and Politics

    Sometimes we realize too late something is problematic. Occasionally, someone gets seriously injured, or even dies. It’s terrible and unfortunate when that’s the case, but like it or not that’s life. Don’t get me wrong, you obviously want to avoid such things occurring. The final point here though is, we must be adults; we need…

  • The Irreplaceable Man – Religion and Politics

    If there were a man whose visage and words would fill my mind were I asked to nominate somebody for the office of national treasure, you can be assured that Dr Thomas Sowell would be very high on the list—probably at the top of it. Intelligent, cogent, soft-spoke, knowledgeable, wise, kind and so much more,…

  • COVID-19, The Reality – Religion and Politics

    Many probably think I’m crazy for what I’m saying here, but I’m going to bring this article to its conclusion. You need to ask yourself one simple question. “Why after more than six months of watching this play out, with numbers dropping drastically, are we still treating this like it’s the worst thing on the…

  • Truth and Opinion – Religion and Politics

    The final point I’d like to make is, where I take pains here to say I’m sorry for causing others heartache, I flatly refuse to apologize for airing my opinions with the express intent of hearing agreement and opposing views. Discourse makes it possible for me and others to both experiment in, and more importantly,…

  • My Body, My Choice and Mask Wear – Religion and Politics

    You can hold it against me, that I don’t wear masks (even though in six months, the death toll from COVID-19 in the state where I reside is somewhere in the range of 530 persons). If you do though, expect me to ask you about your actions during the ‘flu season. Likewise, expect me to…