Category: For LinkedIn

  • The Spectrum and Levels – Autism

    It’s always hard to recall exactly when and where you have said what, and to whom. On top of that, even if you’ve said something multiple times, it’s entirely possible that folks have missed the expression of it, either by simply overlooking it, or because they haven’t read, seen or heard what you’ve said. One […]

  • Changing Feet – Bullying – Religion and Politics

    One of the obvious and at times, somewhat unfortunate realities of life—particularly the life of younger folks, though it happens to older ones as well—is bullying. I believe I have said it before, but I want to make sure to do so now. Bullying will never go away. That’s not to say we should ignore […]

  • Border Security and Racism – Religion and Politics

    To begin with, I should say that anyone who knows me at all well, is pretty much aware that I don’t believe in racism. I don’t want to get off into the details of that in this article. Suffice it to say that, where I believe folks do horrible things “in the name of” racism, […]

  • Media Objectivity – Religion and Politics

    As a young man—fairly, as an older child and into my years of young manhood—I was among those who believed a commonly held fabrication. To wit, I believed that the media was an entity that reported the facts (I use the term “entity” loosely). I believed, as do so many still today, that some part […]

  • How Do Most People Recognize Autism? Short Answer, “They Don’t!”

    My son is a “party mooch.” I doubt seriously that this is a thing commonly said about moderately Autistic children, but it’s certainly true for Garrett. Sometime in the last year (his fifth), we were in a local park. There was an “event” going on there, that was for the children of the staff of […]

  • Tit-For-Tat

    I will be the first to acknowledge that people—whether in cohesive groupings or not, and some of them even fundamentally good in nature—have done things that have inflicted various levels of harm on others on the basis of at least questionable, if not outright errant accusations and suppositions. I’ll certainly agree that, most particularly the […]

  • Politics And Life

    I’m not sure if, at the age of 54, I can officially consider myself “old.” I’m not even sure there is any kind of “official” definition. I know that—though the age has “moved up” in my lifetime many places—I am eligible at some venues, for the “senior discount.” Maybe that’s old, maybe not, I’ll leave […]

  • What’s Important?

    Anybody who knows me personally (and some who don’t) are aware that I have an Autistic son. As a result, I tend to pay attention when folks (especially adults) who have Autism or deal with Autistic folks, speak about their experience and give advice on things you can do to help in the process of […]

  • So this is Fifty Four

    I hope it’s true for everybody, age aside, that they learn a little more—become a little wiser and a little bit more able to deal with their respective world—on a daily basis. I’ve never been one to celebrate my own birthday, and I’m not intending to “break that trend” today. Rather than throwing confetti or […]

  • On the Concept of Wage Slavery

    Having recently heard the term “wage slavery” used by someone on social media—who said it and on what social media is pretty much beside the point—I came to the conclusion I had to write an article on the subject. The more I considered the concept, the more I realized that it was a sort of […]